MDUP Awards Subcommittee — Terms of Reference

Purpose and Authority

The purpose of this subcommittee is to:

  • Review and adjudicate applications for internal MD Undergraduate Program (MDUP) awards to determine awardees
  • Review and adjudicate UBC MD student applicants for external or UBC awards requiring Faculty nominations and provide endorsement of select applicants to proceed to the next round of adjudication.
  • Ensure that awards are adjudicated and distributed in accordance with the University of British Columbia Senate Policies, in an equitable and inclusive manner.
  • Provides an annual summary of award funding to the UGME Committee (UGMEC)


This subcommittee is made up of ex officio and appointed members.

The Faculty of Medicine’s commitment to equitable and diverse membership on its committees, subcommittees, and advisory councils guides its nomination and selection process.

Non-Voting Members

Ex officio

  • Student Financial Assistance Officer (SFAO), MDUP (1)

Voting Members


  • Faculty member from the Island Medical Program (1)
  • Staff member from the Island Medical Program (1)
  • Faculty member from the Northern Medical Program (1)
  • Staff member from the Northern Medical Program (1)
  • Faculty member from the Southern Medical Program (1)
  • Staff member from the Southern Medical Program (1)
  • Faculty member from the Vancouver Fraser Medical Program (1)
  • Staff member from the Vancouver Fraser Medical Program (1)

Appointment Process

Ex officio member is a member by virture of their administrative appointment.

Faculty members will be appointed by the appropriate site Regional Associate Deans. Staff members will be appointed by the appropriate MDUP Regional Administrative Director.

Voting Membership criteria include:

  1. Current and continuing engagement with students for at least two years
  2. No involvement in confidential student advising due to possible awareness of individual student circumstances and financial issues.


The ex officio member will remain a member as long as they hold their administrative appointment.

Appointed members are members for a two-year term and are eligible for renewal.


Chaired by the Student Financial Assistance Officer, MDUP.

Meeting Schedule and Administration

  1. Meets virtually approximately two times per year or at the call of the chair to review student applications and determine nominees.
  2. Requires maintenance around applicant information and awardees.
  3. Reviews terms of reference every two years and the general student award application process and make recommended changes to Undergraduate Medical Education Committee (UGMEC) for approval.
  4. Records will be maintained in accordance with the UBC and Faculty of Medicine records retention procedures.

Quorum and Decision-Making Process

Quorum for meetings includes the Student Financial Assistance Officer (SFAO), and at least one representative (staff or faculty) from each of the four regional program sites.

Quorum is required for all meetings. Some situations may allow for decisions to be made via e-mail communications and e-vote of all subcommittee members.

Prior to adjudication meetings, the MDUP Awards Subcommittee members will be provided with each candidate’s application package and will be asked to rank them. During the adjudication meeting, the Subcommittee members will discuss the rankings and determine the successful recipient(s) of the award. In the event that the Subcommittee members cannot come to an agreement, the candidates will be forwarded to the Associate Dean, Undergraduate Medical Education (UGME) Program for the final decision.

For awards where the Faculty of Medicine or the MD Undergraduate program is asked to collect applications and nominate an awardee (e.g., the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame Award or the Medical Council of Canada Awards), the Vice Dean, Education, UBC Faculty of Medicine will review the MDUP Awards Subcommittee’s nomination and endorse prior to submission.

Lines of Accountability and Communication

This Subcommittee is delegated the authority to make final award disbursal decisions by, and is accountable to, the UGMEC.


  1. The Subcommittee’s responsibilities include:
    • Accepting MD student applications for awards and any external awards requiring Faculty nominations based on particular criteria;
    • Reviewing MD student applications and evaluating their merits as they relate to the criteria set out in the relevant award’s description;
    • Selecting the successful applicants after careful consideration; and,
    • Protecting the confidentiality of student information throughout this process.
    • Reviews its terms of reference on an annual basis and recommends updates to the UGMEC.
  2. The Subcommittee’s principles include:
    • Mitigating opportunities for member bias by identifying any potential conflict of interest and recusing said member from the voting process for that specific award;
    • Nominating the best applicant based on the strength of their application and supporting documents without regard for the applicant’s site, past award activity, or any information unless otherwise specified in award;
    • Confidentiality of all discussions which take place during the adjudication process with any person not on the Subcommittee;
  3. The SFAO’s responsibilities to the Subcommittee and students include:
    • Organizing and chairing committee meetings;
    • Maintaining an up-to-date list of merit awards and making said list available to students and Committee members;
    • Informing students about relevant external awards including application procedures and important dates;
    • Maintaining up-to-date application forms and procedures, including important dates, and making said forms and information available to students and Committee members;
    • Collecting student applications for merit awards and relevant external awards;
    • Making copies of student applications available to Subcommittee members;
      Where awards solely based on financial need are concerned, the SFAO will gather documentation that prove the applicant’s unmet financial need and will award funds accordingly to students who demonstrate the highest need.
    • Submitting award nominations to the appropriate parties and confirming the reception and processing of said nominations; and,
  4. Protecting the confidentiality of student information throughout this process.


This version of these terms of reference has been approved by the Undergraduate Medical Education Committee (UGMEC) on July 15th, 2024.

Version History

Approved by the UGMEC on July 15th, 2024