Facilities & Capital Planning Committee

Terms of Reference

Purpose and Authority

The purpose of this committee is to:

  • Recommend to the Dean the allocation and utilization of occupied space, plans for future space needs including development of new facilities, and measures to ensure space sustainability.
  • Ensure that the Faculty’s facilities strategically support its mission and priorities.
  • Guide the Faculty’s Facilities and Capital Planning function through advice to the Director, Space Planning and Facilities Management.


This committee is made up of ex officio and appointed members.

The Faculty of Medicine’s commitment to equitable and diverse membership on its committees and advisory councils guides its nomination and selection process.

Voting Members

Ex officio

  • Vice Dean, Academic Affairs (co-chair) (1)
  • Managing Director (co-chair) (1)
  • Vice Dean, Research
  • Director, Space Planning and Facilities Management (1)


  • Two members from Education (2), that shall include:
    • Chair of the Clinical Education Facilities Subcommittee (1)
  • Two members from Research (2), that shall include:
    • Associate Dean (1)
    • Department Head (1)
  • Administrative staff (2), at least one of whom is primarily located off UBCV campus

Guests may be invited to join specific meetings or portions of specific meetings at the co-chairs’ discretion.

Appointment Process

Ex officio members are members by virtue of their administrative appointment.

Appointed members are appointed by the Dean through the annual process initiated by the Dean’s Office.


Ex officio members are members as long as they hold their administrative appointment.

Appointed members are members for a three-year term and are eligible for renewal.


Co-chaired by the Vice Dean, Academic and the Managing Director.

Meeting Schedule and Administration

Normally meets approximately every three months and at the call of the co-chairs.

All members are expected to attend all meetings in person or via videoconference or phone.

A staff member from the Managing Director’s Office will capture meeting minutes. Minutes will be circulated to all members.

Records will be maintained in accordance with UBC and Faculty of Medicine records retention procedures.

Quorum and Decision Making Process

Quorum consists of 50% plus one of voting members.

Decisions are typically made by consensus. When consensus does not emerge, decisions will be made by vote, requiring 50% plus one of voting members present to pass.

Lines of Accountability and Communication

This committee:

  • Reports and makes recommendations to the Dean.
  • Provides an annual report summarizing the year’s activities to the Faculty Executive Committee, for information.
  • Seeks input from the Department Heads and School Directors Committee before presenting recommendations to the Dean, as appropriate.
  • May delegate responsibilities to subcommittees and/or ad hoc groups to make recommendations on, or conduct, specific aspects of the committee’s mandate.

Representatives of this committee liaise with other academic and administrative committees and advisory councils, as needed.


This committee:

  1. Plans for new physical space as requirements change, and considers anticipated future requirements in long-term planning.
  2. Allocates and manages utilization of occupied space, including identifying space utilization benchmarks and increasing consistency.
  3. Ensures relevant Faculty and University policies are applied consistently.
  4. Ensures space sustainability, including revitalization of space when needed and Technology Enabled Learning Capital Renewal.
  5. Manages and maintains Health Authority and University relationships related to space, and influencing space upgrades done by the University and Health Authorities.
  6. Supports allocation of funds for other minor upgrades.
  7. Ensures compliance with UBC Policy FM11 related to facilities expenses, by seeking approval at the appropriate level depending on the estimated total cost of a project.
  8. Adheres to the FoM General Responsibilities of Standing Committees.


This version of these terms of reference has been approved by the Dean, UBC Faculty of Medicine through the Dean’s Executive Committee on December 2, 2020.

Version History

  • Updated and accepted by FCPC on September 29, 2020.
  • Approved by the UBC FoM Full Faculty on November 14, 2017.
  • Approved by the UBC FoM Faculty Executive Committee on September 26, 2017.