FoM Application Process For External Recruitment Of Chairs

Last updated: November, 2022

Full application due March 22, 2023

It is important to highlight that the opportunity is open only to people with disabilities, Indigenous people, racialized people, women, and people from minoritized gender identity groups.

External recruitment of chairs proposals should describe the phenotype of the faculty member intended to fill the position without identifying a specific individual.

The proposal should address:

  • The new strengths and innovative research that the CRC will bring to UBC, the Faculty of Medicine, the Department/School, and the Centre/Institute (if applicable);
  • The quality of the environment; commitment, and alignment with the Faculty of Medicine’s Strategic Plan; and
  • The nomination and selection processes, which includes commitment and plan to meet equity, diversity and inclusion efforts.

complete application package for an external recruitment includes:

  1. Proposal, using 2023 CRC Competition External Application Template
  2. Financial Plan (Appendix A), using tab 2 of the most recent iteration of the FoM Recruitment Planner 
  3. Space Plan (Appendix B), using 2023 Space Plan template

Details for each document are as follows:

1. Proposal

The entire proposal must not exceed 4 pages excluding one page of references and Appendixes A and B. Any pages or information submitted beyond the limits stated in these instructions will be removed prior to review.

Please use the following file naming criteria when submitting the proposal: Department/School_#_External_Proposal_2023FoMCRC.pdf

2. Financial Plan (Appendix A)

Provide a 10-year financial plan with commitment to fund the academic position in perpetuity with internal UBC funding source during and post CRC. These funds may come from Departmental/School/Centre/Institute/research cluster budgets or an equivalent sustainable long-term funding source, such as endowment funding. Please note, you must contact your Department/School Finance Manager to complete and validate your financial plan. Please use tab 2 of the most recent iteration of the FoM Recruitment Planner for grant funded faculty members

Please use the following file naming criteria when submitting the financial plan: Department/School_#_External_Budget_2023FoMCRC

3. Space Plan (Appendix B)

Proposals for external chairs must include a space plan that outlines the space commitment that is validated by Space and Facilities Management at the Faculty of Medicine. Please note, you must contact Space and Facilities Management during or prior to the week of March 13-17, 2023. Further details can be found on the 2023 Space Plan template

Please use the following file naming criteria when submitting the space plan: Department/School_#_External_Space_2023FoMCRC.pdf

Application Submission

Please submit full proposals here:

Proposals are due on March 22, 2023 at 11:59pm.

The University is committed to creating and maintaining an inclusive and equitable work environment for all members of its workforce. An inclusive work environment presumes an environment where differences are accepted, recognized, and integrated into current structures, planning, and decision-making modes. Within this hiring process we will make efforts to create an inclusive and equitable process for all candidates (including but not limited to people with disabilities).  Confidential accommodations are available on request for applicants who are short-listed. Please contact Corné du Plessis in the Faculty of Medicine’s Office of Research via email at

To learn more about UBC’s Center For Workplace Accessibility, visit the website here