A message from Roger Wong, Vice Dean, Education and Robert McMaster, Vice Dean, Research, Faculty of Medicine.

We are pleased to announce the reappointment of Dr. Dean Jones as Associate Dean, Fraser for a five-year term effective to September 30, 2027.
During his first term, Dr. Jones supported the successful implementation of medical and health professions distribution to the Fraser region, including the MD Undergraduate Program (MDUP) Fraser Medical Cohort and the Master of Physical Therapy (MPT). He also has, and will continue to, play a key role in developing UBC’s academic integrated health vision in the Fraser region and Fraser Health.
In addition, Dr. Jones will continue to provide strategic leadership to ensure a high-quality educational and inclusive experience for all learners and trainees in the Fraser region. He will work closely with Associate and Assistant Deans, Department Heads and School Directors and other senior leaders to ensure regional academic activities and research initiatives align with the strategic priorities and plans of the Faculty and UBC. We look forward to our continued work with Dr. Jones and as he enters a second term in this role.
Please join us in congratulating Dr. Jones on his reappointment.