A message from Dermot Kelleher, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Vice-President, Health.

I am pleased to announce Dr. Robert McMaster’s appointment as Vice-Dean, Research, has been extended effective to December 31, 2023.
During the past term, Dr. McMaster has led several strategic initiatives including the establishment of the Academy of Translation Medicine and the COVID-19 Clinical Research Coordination Initiative, as well as leading the Research Pillar goals and strategies in the Faculty’s refreshed strategic plan. In addition, he is widely recognized across BC for his committed leadership and support of work that will enable the province to increase its capacity and ability to conduct world-class clinical trials, receiving the Clinical Trials BC Leadership & Advocacy Award earlier this year.
In this role, Dr. McMaster will continue to play a lead role in the development of a biomedical innovation research strategy, and provide strategic leadership and guidance to health research program leaders and ensure resources are supported effectively across the Faculty on all campuses and health authorities.
Please join me in thanking Dr. Rob McMaster for his continued leadership.