A message from Dermot Kelleher, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Vice-President, Health, UBC.
I am pleased to announce the six successful proposals from the second round of our Academic Renewal competition, focused on the recruitment of junior faculty in the areas of data science, translational science and medicine, and virtual/rural and remote health.
The range of focus areas of the selected proposals demonstrates the breadth of our research diversity and alignment with the Faculty of Medicine’s Strategic Plan. In addition, all of the proposals are building on collaboration and partnership across the Faculty and the province.
The six successful proposals for new junior faculty positions include:
Virtual/Rural and Remote Health
- Medicine, Southern Medical Program, School of Population and Public Health, Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Management: Implementation Science within isolated communities
Translational Science and Medicine
- Psychiatry, Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health, BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute: Translational neuropsychiatric research in high-complexity psychiatric youth with depression
- Pediatrics, BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute: Pediatric psychology research to accelerate evidence-based clinical pain care
- Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, BC Cancer Research Institute: Translational lung cancer research
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Edwin S.H. Leong Health Aging Program: Biochemistry and/ or molecular biology of aging and aging clocks
Data Science
- Radiology, Pediatrics, BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute, Centre for Heart Lung Innovation: Medical physics, imaging science and data analytics
Looking forward, we will be reviewing the remaining academic renewal positions and considering allocation based on strategic priorities. As such, we are unsure whether there will be a third round of competition. We will communicate further on this piece next year.
This message was sent to all faculty and staff in the Faculty of Medicine.