Edwin S.H. Leong Centre for Healthy Aging formally designated a Faculty of Medicine research centre

A message from Robert McMaster, Vice Dean, Research.

I am pleased to announce that the Edwin S.H. Leong Centre for Healthy Aging (ELCHA) has become a formal UBC Faculty of Medicine-approved research centre.

The ELCHA seeks to transform healthy aging by expanding interdisciplinary research focused on the biological, social, cultural and environmental factors that influence aging trajectories and harnessing this information to devise new strategies to promote healthy aging for all.

Led by director Dr. Michael Kobor, a professor in the Department of Medical Genetics and the Edwin S.H. Leong UBC Chair in Healthy Aging — a UBC President’s Excellence Chair — the ELCHA brings together the collective research excellence of more than 50 multidisciplinary investigators and 30 trainees and staff across UBC.

By recognizing the ELCHA as a research centre in the Faculty of Medicine, it will foster collaboration across UBC’s campuses and enhance the scope and success of aging research. Most importantly, the Centre represents a vibrant partnership to transform health through research, training and knowledge mobilization, and a commitment to harness the science of healthy aging to deliver a future with healthy, optimized aging for all.

I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Kobor for his leadership in facilitating this important advancement.

This message was sent to the Dean’s Executive Team, Department Heads, School Directors, Regional Associate, Associate and Assistant Deans, Centre/Institute Directors, Administrative Service Unit Directors and Senior Administrators.

Learn more about the Edwin S.H. Leong Centre for Healthy Aging.