A message from Dermot Kelleher, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Vice-President, Health.

Dear friends and colleagues,
This time of year is mysterious in many ways. The traditions date back millennia, of a break in the bleak mid-winter when we can take time to pause in what we do, enjoy the company of family and friends, celebrate the passing of that mysterious entity of time, through the winter solstice and the ending of our year, and feel a little warmer about everything that surrounds us as the clocks tick more slowly and we re-establish our equilibrium. These last few years, as we have emerged from a difficult and complex pandemic, seem to have warped time in some ways, speeding it up and slowing it down. But the holiday season still retains its ability to renew our spirits and to recharge us for the coming New Year.
In our Faculty, many colleagues continue to serve in frontline care delivery at this time, bringing hope and healing to so many people who do not have the good fortune to be in good health during this period, and who depend on the kindness and skill of our health practitioners and on all of our health services to bring them through their difficult times.
Looking back on 2024 throughout our Faculty, I am astonished by the extraordinary spirit of collegiality and compassion shown across our complex and diverse domains, and by what we have achieved through this spirit of togetherness in what was a challenging year for us and the university as a whole. A few highlights among many:
This year, I had the privilege of travelling to Victoria to visit the new facility serving the Island Medical Program’s newly expanded Master of Physical Therapy and Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology programs. It was heartwarming to see not just a building space but a warm and welcoming campus. And it’s exciting to think that — now with even more opportunities to train in diverse communities across the province — our leaners will go on to make a difference in the lives of more British Columbians than ever before.
This year also marked the creation of more family medicine residency seats in the Interior, a new Internal Medicine residency program in the Fraser, as well as the launch of the Rural Immersion Residency Program — one of the first in Canada — which allows newly graduated medical students to immerse themselves in a single rural community for two years as an essential part of their family medicine training. All of this is made possible by the dedication of our clinical faculty.
And to strengthen our commitment to improving the health and wellbeing of Indigenous communities, we signed a first-of-its-kind agreement with the Australian National University to collaborate on education and research initiatives intended to create lasting change.
Meanwhile, the Faculty hit a new research milestone in 2024, attracting almost $500 million in new funding from government, industry and partners. This, along with our many breakthrough scientific discoveries over the past year, is a testament not only to the qualities of talent, innovation and collaboration that define us as a Faculty, but also to the real-life impact of our research.
I am reminded here of Road to Recovery, an innovative, compassionate and evidence-informed initiative recently launched at St. Paul’s Hospital in Vancouver to provide seamless treatment and recovery care for people with addiction challenges. UBC researchers played an essential role in its creation and will continue to support its ongoing development and evaluation.
As I reflect on these and the many other defining achievements of 2024, I’m struck by our determination and resilience as individuals and as a community, united by a profound, ongoing commitment to training the next generation of health professionals, increasing health equity and access, and bringing lifesaving treatments to patients sooner than ever.
I am sincerely grateful to you, our incredible staff, faculty, learners, partners and supporters, for your hard work, your spirit of collaboration and the hope for the future that you embody every day.
If the holiday season is an opportunity to reflect on the past 12 months, the new year will be an opportunity to recognize our deeper past and think about the future. As you all know, 2025 marks the Faculty’s 75th anniversary. By now you will have received your invitation to participate in Beyond 75: Imagining the Future of Medicine at UBC, a series of special events around the province beginning in January. We look forward to seeing you there!
In the meantime, I share with you my latest holiday playlist, which I hope captures the spirit, memories and optimism of the season, not to mention the weather! I wish you all a peaceful, restful and joyous holiday break, and all the very best in the new year.
This message was sent to all faculty, staff and learners in the Faculty of Medicine.