Strategic Investment Fund: Call for proposals

A message from Dermot Kelleher, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Vice-President, Health.

I am pleased to announce that the Faculty of Medicine is now accepting Strategic Investment Fund (SIF) proposals for 2023.

Since the fund was established in 2017, the Faculty has invested more than $10.6M in 108 projects that align with our strategic plan. Together, these projects have mobilized resources, expertise, and enthusiasm across the Faculty of Medicine, driving meaningful change and helping to make a positive impact in communities around the province. Learn more about previously funded projects on the strategic plan website.

In the fall of 2022, we temporarily paused the Strategic Investment Fund (SIF) competition in order to conduct a thorough review and reassessment of the program. This pause also provided an opportunity to reinforce our commitments to equity, diversity and inclusion, as well as anti-racism, and to address the Faculty’s response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action and UBC’s Indigenous Strategic Plan.

With the 2023 SIF competition now open, I encourage you to bring forward your ideas and submit a proposal that will contribute to advancing our shared commitments, goals and strategies outlined in the Faculty’s strategic plan. The deadline for proposal submission is Monday, September 11, 2023.

Thank you for your ongoing dedication and valuable contributions to our shared objectives.

This message was sent to all faculty and staff in the Faculty of Medicine.