A message from Dermot Kelleher, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Vice-President, Health, UBC.
As we reach the end of the first year of UBC’s formal adoption of the hybrid work model, we have an opportunity to deliberately reflect on our own workplace evolution and look ahead to the exciting future of work here at the Faculty of Medicine.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many of you continued to work tirelessly in hospital and clinical settings, supporting patients and families across the province. But for many others in the Faculty of Medicine, COVID-19 ushered in a transformative change in our understanding of work and workplace. Quickly adapting to a remote, and later hybrid, work environment, we were remarkably effective and innovative in finding new ways to work and collaborate across education, research and administration.
Today, more than three years later and one year into UBC’s formal adoption of the hybrid work model, we continue to adapt and embrace this transformation. Guided by our strategic plan and values, we’re leveraging the collective wisdom and dedication of our community to create a workplace that truly supports and enables our Faculty’s vision of transforming health for everyone.
To support those of you whose work has changed because of hybrid work, the Work(place) Evolution: Doing Hybrid Well initiative has developed new tools and resources, designed to equip you with the necessary tools to build a thriving team in this evolving work landscape. Whether you personally have a hybrid work schedule or not, UBC’s hybrid work program has likely had an impact on your day-to-day work experience, which is why I encourage each of you to explore and take advantage of these new resources:
- Read about Work(place) Evolution: Doing Hybrid Well
- Explore the Hybrid Work & Communication Toolkit
- Learn more about the Shared Workspace Model pilot
This initiative is the result of the collective work of the Facilities and Capital Planning Committee and the Work(place) Evolution Working Group, consisting of faculty, staff, and learners from across the Faculty. Please contact the Organizational Development team at FoM.OrgDev@ubc.ca with any questions or suggestions.
Thank you for your continued dedication and commitment.
This message was sent to all faculty and staff in the Faculty of Medicine.