Climate Solutions Research Collective: Summer Climate Conversations

The Climate Solutions Research Collective is hosting a series of informal conversations at UBC Vancouver campus over the summer, around topics relevant to climate research and current events.

Bring your own picnic to these casual networking opportunities and gather with others from the UBC community. All events will be held in the courtyard behind the Beaty Biodiversity Museum (an indoor location will be shared on the event page in the event of inclement weather).

  • June 26 | 12–1:30 pm: Join Co-Chair of the Federal Net-Zero Advisory Board, Simon Donner (Geography, Arts), for an informal discussion on the state of climate policy in Canada.
  • July 24 | 12–1:30 pm: Join Kathy Harrison (Political Science) & Michael Brauer (Medicine) in a discussion on greenwashing by the fossil fuel industry and related calls for restrictions on advertising.
  • August 21 | 12–1:30 pm: Join Naoko Ellis (Applied Science) & Derek Gladwin (Education), Co-Leads of the Transdisciplinary Education PhD, to discuss the conditions that foster transdisciplinary research.