Climate+Water Research Symposium

Join the Climate Solutions Research Collective for the Climate+Water Research Symposium on April 9 & 10.

Water connects all living things. Ensuring resilient water systems for society and ecosystems is a global priority, challenged by both present and future impacts of a changing climate.

All those interested in research, including faculty, students and community members, are welcome to participate in this in-person symposium, held at UBC Vancouver & Okanagan campuses.

Symposium events

April 9, 9 am–12 pm at UBC Okanagan

  • Plenary discussion: Water Justice through a Changing Climate
  • Session one: Climate, Water, and Ecosystem Resilience
  • Session two: Watershed Governance and Management in a Changing Climate

April 10, 9 am–12 pm at UBC Vancouver

  • Plenary discussion: Climate, Water, Power
  • Session one: Exploring theatre-based approaches to work alongside community partners in water research
  • Session two: Research Round Table Discussion