Don Rix Distinguished Keynote Address with Dr. Sam Aparicio

Join Genome BC’s 15th annual Don Rix Distinguished Keynote Address on Monday, November 18. Dr. Sam Aparicio (Pathology and Laboratory Medicine) will speak on “Decoding Cancer: How the Genomics Revolution changed the Path for Cancer Management”.

Between 2006 and 2012, there were dramatic technological advances in the sequencing speed, cost and interpretation of human genomes. This year’s keynote address will explore how these advancements revolutionized our understanding of how cancers begin, evolve and develop drug resistance. As a result, the development of cancer drugs has accelerated and we’ve created new ways to diagnose and manage cancers that were previously intractable. Dr. Aparicio will highlight British Columbia’s pivotal role in this scientific revolution and discuss ongoing challenges at the frontiers of cancer research.

  • Date: Monday, November 18, 2024, 4:30–6 pm. Reception to follow
  • Location: Vancouver Convention Centre West