Community-engaged researchers, register for an upcoming “Partnering in Research” professional development workshop. The workshop series, a collaboration between UBC Knowledge Exchange and UBC Community Engagement, is open to UBC researchers, staff and students engaged in community-partnered research.
Upcoming workshops
May 21 | Defining and Describing Community-Engaged Scholarship for Promotion and Tenure (online)
Tenure and promotion can be a daunting road for scholars who practice engaged research methods. Learn how to effectively showcase your community-engaged scholarship, focusing on outputs, outcomes, and processes, to gain recognition and appreciation across your portfolio.
June 3 | I’m a Community Engaged Researcher. Should I Start a Non-Profit? (in-person, UBCV)
Running a non-profit demands time and resources but it can also offer an avenue to grow the impact of your engaged research and implementation. Explore the pros and cons of non-profit organizations as a model for research and research implementation and assess whether launching one is appropriate for your community-engaged research initiatives.