Join the Office of Faculty Development for an upcoming session in their new professional development event series, Research and Reflections on Teaching.
The events will cover emerging and relevant topics in healthcare teaching, while providing an opportunity for faculty to connect and network. Session topics are applicable to clinical faculty, academic faculty, front-line teachers and educational leads who teach in the MD Undergraduate Program, Postgraduate Medical Education, and Health Professional Programs.
The series kicks off on Thursday, May 23 with First, Do No Harm: Developing Trauma-Informed Medical and Health Professional Education Practice. Join the virtual panel session for an exploration of trauma-informed education, how it can support inclusive environments and practical tips.
Save the date for a province-wide hybrid event on Friday, September 13. The half-day event will include the annual Webber Lecture on Intergenerational Teaching, as well as local discussions and networking opportunities, with a virtual option for remote participants.