Large TLEF special call: Generative AI collaborative cluster grants

Faculty and staff at UBC Vancouver are invited to submit letters of intent for Large Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund (TLEF) Transformation projects.

The 2025/2026 Large TLEF Transformation Projects funding round is a special call to support project teams interested in experimenting as part of collaborative clusters with the integration of Generative AI in teaching and learning contexts. Projects funded by this call will have access to a Large Language Model Sandbox environment, some initial reference applications, and available incubator support for their project development.

Large TLEF Transformation projects are multi-year projects that are intended to advance UBC’s strategic goals relating to transformative learning. Projects are eligible to receive up to $200,000 in funding and can span up to two years. Typically, these projects impact multiple courses or programs, have the potential to involve collaboration across departments or Faculties, and align with one or more strategies or priorities in UBC’s strategic plan: Shaping UBC’s Next Century.

Proposals that involve Faculty of Medicine Programs must submit a pre-screen form for internal review by 12 pm on Monday, June 24, 2024.

A call for Small TLEF Innovation proposals will be announced in September 2024.

This call was shared by UBC Bulletin on June 12.