Staying safe around coyotes

Coyotes live in and around UBC and can often be seen on campus. Never approach or feed a coyote, for their safety and yours.

Coyotes will usually mind their own business if left alone. However, if you are walking on campus, especially with a small dog, and a coyote approaches you, follow the advice from the BC Conservation Officer Service:

  • Make yourself look as large as possible.
  • Wave your arms and shout at the coyote in a loud, aggressive voice. If the coyote continues to approach, don’t run or turn your back. Continue to exaggerate the above gestures and slowly back away.
  • If you are walking your dog, make sure to keep it on a leash. Pick up small dogs if possible.

If a coyote poses an immediate threat or danger to public safety, call the BC Conservation Officer Service at 1-877-952-7277.