Purpose and Authority
The purpose of this committee is to:
- Recommend to the Dean optimal approaches to leveraging IT in support of the Faculty’s mission and priorities.
- Oversee the development and execution of IT strategy for the Faculty of Medicine.
- Guide the Faculty’s IT function through advice to the Deputy CIO, Faculty of Medicine.
- Connect the Faculty’s IT function with UBC and Health Authority IT functions.
This committee is made up of ex officio and appointed members.
The Faculty of Medicine’s commitment to equitable and diverse membership on its committees and advisory councils guides its nomination and selection process.
Voting Members
Ex officio
- Managing Director, Faculty of Medicine (co-chair) (1)
- Vice Dean Health Engagement (co-chair) (1)
- Deputy Chief Information Officer – Medicine (1)
- Deputy Chief Information Officer, UBC or delegate (1)
- Associate Director Engagement Services UBC IT (1)
- One Regional Associate Dean or delegate (1)
- One Department Head/Centre, School or Institute Director (1)
- Five faculty or staff members (ensuring balance of education, research, administration, units, regions, and programs) (5)
- Two IT staff members (2)
- One Senior Administrator (1)
Guests may be invited to join specific meetings or portions of specific meetings at the co-chairs’ discretion.
Appointment Process
Ex officio members are members by virtue of their administrative appointment.
Appointed members are appointed by the Dean through the annual process initiated by the Dean’s Office.
Ex officio members are members as long as they hold their administrative appointment.
Appointed members are members for a three-year term and are eligible for renewal.
Co-chaired by the Managing Director, Faculty of Medicine and the Vice Dean, Health Engagement.
Meeting Schedule and Administration
Normally meets approximately four times a year and at the call of the co-chairs.
All members are expected to attend all meetings in person or via videoconference or phone.
A staff member from the Dean’s Office will capture meeting minutes. Minutes will be circulated to all members.
Records will be maintained in accordance with UBC and Faculty of Medicine records retention procedures.
Quorum and Decision Making Process
Quorum consists of 50% plus one of voting members.
Decisions are typically made by consensus. When consensus does not emerge, decisions will be made by vote, requiring 50% plus one of voting members present to pass.
Lines of Accountability and Communication
This committee:
- Reports and makes recommendations to the Dean.
- Provides an annual report summarizing the year’s activities to the Faculty Executive Committee, for information.
- Seeks input from the Department Heads and School Directors Committee before presenting recommendations to the Dean, as appropriate.
- May delegate responsibilities to subcommittees and/or ad hoc groups to make recommendations on, or conduct, specific aspects of the committee’s mandate.
Representatives of this committee liaise with other academic and administrative committees and advisory councils, as needed.
This committee:
- Determines the Faculty’s system-wide IT strategy, outcomes, and capabilities. Vets and endorses the translation of required capabilities into IT enablement tasks.
- Develops and recommends principles and policies that guide IT governance for FoM, including relationships between UBC IT, Digital Solutions, and unit-specific IT resources. Determines the scope of decision-making that should exist within the FoM organizational unit (e.g. departments and centres).
- Facilitates the delivery of results. Monitors the progress of technology projects, services and investments, and advises on how to ensure that IT initiatives are successful. Advises on the identification and resolution of issues that impede the effective delivery of services. Makes recommendations that keep FoM and IT strategies aligned or that consciously manage any deviations.
- Provides recommendations to Dean and Faculty Executive regarding the prioritization of major initiatives.
- Ensures compliance with UBC Policy FM11 related to Faculty of Medicine IT project expenses, by seeking approval at the appropriate level depending on the estimated total cost of a project.
- Adheres to the FoM General Responsibilities of Standing Committees.
This version of these terms of reference has been approved by the Dean’s Executive Advisory Council (DEX) on July 17, 2024.
Version History
- Approved by the Dean, Faculty of Medicine on July 8, 2020.
- Approved by the Faculty Executive Committee on September 26, 2017, and by the Faculty of Medicine (Full Faculty) on November 14, 2017
- Approved by the Dean, Faculty of Medicine on October 26, 2016
APPENDIX – About IT Governance
What is IT governance?
IT governance determines who makes IT decisions for an organization and the process by which those decisions are made. It ensures that IT best supports the mission and strategy of the Faculty of Medicine as a whole.
How does it work?

IT Committee: IT governance is led by the IT Committee. This committee synthesizes the needs of various areas within the Faculty and provides recommendations to the Dean on IT as whole. This group also has oversight of large initiatives that affect many groups.
Faculty of Medicine units (departments, centres, schools, institutes, programs, and administrative groups) participate in governance by submitting proposals, providing input and acting as representatives of their units. These groups focus on the IT requirements of a particular area of the Faculty, for example education or research. They help identify new needs and technologies, prioritize initiatives for their area, and provide advice to the IT Committee. They also provide a mechanism for representatives to participate in IT planning.
IT@FoM, IT Governance at UBC, Partners: Working in Federation
The governance structure is based on a federated model for IT in the Faculty of Medicine.
Unit IT groups and central IT are essential components in the Faculty of Medicine IT ecosystem. In the federated model, the Faculty’s central IT group (MedIT), UBC’s central IT group (UBC IT) and departmental/centre IT units collaborate to promote Faculty-wide and University-wide perspectives toward IT and to better manage costs, risks, and outcomes.
Having centralized IT staff and IT staff within units is a key component of this federated model as both are required to deliver services that are needed across the Faculty.