Purpose and Authority
The purpose of the ICC Selection Sub-Committee is to:
Ensure the ICC student selection process follows the UGMEC approved “ICC Application and Interview Process – Class of 20XX” document, and approves the final ICC cohort list.
The Sub-Committee is made up of the following appointed members:
Voting Members
- ICC Program Director (1 vote)
- ICC Expansion Director (1 vote)
- Site Directors: Chilliwack, Duncan, Terrace, Vernon, Trail, Fort St. John: total (6 votes – 1 per site)
- Assistant Deans (1 representative for all 4 sites) (1 vote)*
- Year 3 (Clerkship) Directors (1 representative for all 4 sites) (1 vote)*
- Year 3 Program Managers (1 representative for all 4 sites) (1 vote)*
Non-voting Members
- ICC Site Program Coordinators
- Office of Student Affairs representative
Guests may be invited to join specific meetings or portions of specific meetings at the Chair’s discretion.
*The Regional Assistant Deans, Year 3 Clerkship Directors and Year 3 Program Managers will choose 1 representative from their group to attend the selection meeting. Their role on this committee will be to represent a program-wide not site-specific perspective as it relates to their role in Year 3.
Appointment Process
Members of this committee are appointed by virtue of their faculty or administrative appointment.
Members of this committee are members as long as they hold their faculty or administrative appointment. No annual renewal process is required.
Meeting is chaired by the ICC Program Director.
Meeting Schedule and Administration
Committee meets once a year on the date indicated in the “ICC Application and Interview Process” document.
Records will be maintained in accordance with UBC and Faculty of Medicine records retention procedures.
Quorum and Decision-Making Process
50% voting members plus 1, and representation from all ICC sites.
Lines of Accountability and Communication
This Sub-Committee:
Reports to the ICC Sub-Committee and Year 3 & 4 Sub-Committee.
Members of this committee liaise with academic and administrative departments as needed.
This committee:
- Ensures the ICC student selection process follows the approved process
- Creates and approves a final ICC cohort list
This version of these terms of reference have been approved by:
ICC Sub-Committee on October 16, 2023
Year 3&4 Sub-Committee on TBD (November 20, 2023)
Version History
Version 1.0 – July 3, 2019
Version 1.1 – August 13, 2019
Version 1.2 – October 3, 2022
Version 1.3 – October 4, 2023