Ugme Student Promotion and Review Board — Terms of Reference

Purpose and Authority

The purpose of this Board is to ensure that:

  • A single standard is used for the advancement and graduation of medical students across sites.
  • Consistent course grading and promotion decisions are based on assessments of student performance and adhere to defined University and Faculty of Medicine policies.
  • Processes in taking any action that may affect the status of a medical student are fair and timely. 

The Board has the authority to:

  • Access and review academic records for all students registered in the Faculty of Medicine’s Undergraduate Medical Education (UGME) program.
  • Make advancement and promotion decisions for medical students at all UGME sites, including to:
    • Advance students to the next academic term;
    • Require students to repeat a year or part of a year;
    • Approve the re-entry program for students returning from Leaves of Absence (LOA) greater than one year and/or when major curricular adjustments are required, and approve the Return to Training (RTT) requirement;
    • Promote students to the next academic year;
    • Require students to withdraw from the UGME program;
    • Assign UBC Academic Standing for each student; and
    • Approve the addition of Professionalism notations in Medical Student Performance Reports.
  • Recommend candidates for Graduation to the Faculty of Medicine (Full Faculty).
  • Delegate specific authority and responsibility to the Regional Student Promotions Subcommittees (RSPS) (see Responsibilities section).
  • Recommend to the Undergraduate Medical Education Committee (UGMEC) changes to policies and procedures related to the role of this Board, as needed.

The Chair of the Board has the authority to:

  • Make provisional advancement and promotion decisions at the request of a Regional Associate Dean when these decisions are time-sensitive for students. These decisions must be ratified through a vote at the next review Board meeting.

Temporarily prohibit a student from being in a clinical setting, and/or place other restrictions on a student’s participation in the UGME program when the student’s conduct could adversely affect patient safety or otherwise interferes with the student’s performance of clinical duties, pending a full review by the Board.


This Board is made up of ex officio and appointed members.

The Faculty of Medicine’s commitment to equitable and diverse membership on its committees, boards, and advisory councils guides its nomination and selection process.

Voting Members

Ex officio

  • Regional Associate Deans (4)


  • Chair (1)
  • Two faculty members who are foundational scientists (2)
  • Two clinical faculty members or faculty members who are clinicians (2)
  • Two Year 4 students (2)

If a Year 4 student is the subject of academic performance concerns and/or discussion by the Board, he/she is excused from related proceedings.

Non-voting Members

Ex officio

  • Chairs, Student Development and Support Subcommittee (NMP, IMP, SMP, VFMP, Fraser) (5)
  • Director, Curriculum (1)
  • Director, Assessment (1)
  • Associate Dean, Student Affairs (or delegate) (1)


  • One Administrative Director (rotating annually between sites) (1)
  • Three Program Managers (rotating annually between sites) (3)
  • Two Year 3 students (2)

Guests may be invited to join specific meetings or portions of specific meetings at the chair’s discretion.

Appointment Process

Ex officio members are members by virtue of their administrative appointment.

The chair is appointed by the Vice Dean, Education.

Appointed students are nominated by the Medical Undergraduate Society (MUS) Executive and appointed by the Undergraduate Medical Education Committee in consultation with the Board. The Year 3 student automatically becomes the Year 4 student at the start of the next academic year, unless the Undergraduate Medical Education Committee decides otherwise or the student voluntarily declines to continue in the role.

Other appointed members are appointed by the Undergraduate Medical Education Committee.


Ex officio members are members as long as they hold their administrative appointments.

Appointed students are members for a two-year term, starting as a non-voting Year 3 student and becoming a voting Year 4 student, unless decided otherwise by the Undergraduate Medical Education Committee in consultation with the Board.

Rotating appointed members are members for a one-year term.

Other appointed members are members for a four-year term and are eligible for one renewal.1


The chair is appointed by the Vice Dean, Education. By virtue of this appointment, the chair also becomes an ex-officio voting member of the UGME Committee.

Meeting Schedule and Administration

Meets after the completion of each academic term, after designated assessment periods, and at the call of the chair. The planned meeting schedule will normally be provided to members in July each year.

All members are expected to attend all meetings in person or via videoconference or phone.

A staff member from the Dean’s Office will capture meeting minutes. Minutes will be circulated to all members.

All meeting materials will be shared through a secure electronic portal. Members shall keep minutes and meeting proceedings confidential. Members shall shred/destroy all documentation that contains personal information and may not retain minutes or other documents containing personal information on a personal computer or device.

Records will be maintained in accordance with UBC and Faculty of Medicine records retention procedures.

Quorum and Decision Making Process

Quorum consists of 50% plus one of voting members.

Decisions are made by vote, requiring 50% plus one of voting members present to vote in favour to pass, excluding blanks or abstentions.

In the event of a tie, the chair shall cast the deciding vote.

In exceptional circumstances, voting may be conducted electronically while ensuring strict confidentiality and security, requiring 50% plus one of all voting members to vote in favour to pass, excluding blanks or abstentions.

Lines of Accountability and Communication

This Board:

  • Reports to UGMEC, but makes decisions within its areas of authority independent from UGMEC.
  • Recommends changes to relevant policies to UGMEC, if needed.
  • Recommends candidates for graduation to the Faculty of Medicine (Full Faculty).
  • Provides a written annual report to the Undergraduate Medical Education Committee.

Representatives of this Board liaise with other academic and administrative committees and advisory councils, as needed.


This Board:

  1. Makes advancement, promotion and graduation decisions for medical students at all sites in the UGME program.
  2. Assigns UBC Academic Standing.
  3. Approves the addition of Professionalism notations on Medical Student Performance.
  4. Approves the re-entry plan for Leaves of Absence greater than one year, and/or when the circumstances are complex, or when major curricular adjustments are required.
  5. Oversees and ensures cross-site consistency in the delegated responsibilities of the Regional Student Promotions Subcommittees (RSPS) to:
    1. Access and review academic records for their students;
    2. Review student academic performance;
    3. Assign course grades;
    4. Grant supplemental assessments;
    5. Plan and approve the re-entry point for LOAs of less than one year and when only minor curricular adjustments are required, and approve the RTT requirement;
    6. Judge and manage professionalism performance deficits within or across courses.
  6. Reviews its terms of reference on an annual basis and recommends changes to the Undergraduate Medical Education Committee.


This version of these terms of reference has been approved by the Undergraduate Medical Education Committee on September 16, 2024.

Version History

  • Updated on August 21, 2024
  • Approved by the Undergraduate Medical Education Committee on July 16, 2018
  • Approved by the MD Undergraduate Education Committee on October 16, 2017
  • Updated on September 19, 2017
  • Updated on July 18, 2016
  • Updated on October 29, 2015
  • Approved by the MD Undergraduate Education Committee on August 17, 2015
  1. Appointments should be staggered to ensure continuity. Initial appointments should include two who are eligible for renewal and two who are not. ↩︎