UGME Teacher Assessment Support Advisory Council Terms of Reference


The purpose of this advisory council is to advise the Director, UGME Teacher Assessment on matters related to support and assessment of teachers in alignment with the Assessment of Teachers by Learners Policy (022).


This advisory council is made up of ex-officio, ex-officio (rotating), appointed and corresponding members.
The Faculty of Medicine’s commitment to equitable and diverse membership on its committees and advisory councils guides its nomination and selection process.


  • Director, Teacher Assessment (chair) (1)
  • Associate Dean, Faculty Development (1)
  • Associate Director, Faculty Development (1)
  • Teacher Assessment Support Manager (1)
  • Teacher Assessment Support Analyst (1)
  • Director, Curriculum (1)
  • Program Director, ICC (1)
  • Associate Dean, UGME (1)
  • Director, Clinical Faculty Affairs (1)
  • Faculty Feedback and Support Lead, PGME (1)

Ex-officio (rotating)

  • Regional Director, Faculty Development (1)
  • Course Director Years 1&2 (1)
  • Clerkship Director Y3/Elective Director Year 4 (1)
  • Department Manager (1)
  • REDI Office Representative (1)
  • Regional Associate Dean (1)
  • Site Assistant Dean (1)

Appointed members

  • UGME Learner Representative Years 1&2 (1)
  • UGME Learner Representative Years 3&4 (1)
  • PGME Learner Representative (1)
  • Centre for Health Education Scholarship Representative (1)


  • Digital Solutions (1)
  • Evaluation Studies Unit (1)
  • Accreditation Lead (1)

Guests may be invited to join specific meetings or portions of specific meetings at the chair’s discretion.

Appointment Process

Ex officio members are members by virtue of their administrative appointment. Appointed members are appointed by the Director, Teacher Assessment.


Ex-officio members (non-rotating) and corresponding members hold their position as long as they remain in their administrative appointment. Ex-officio members (rotating) and appointed members will hold the membership for two years and may be re-appointed for one additional term. Rotating members are representing their equivalent roles at other sites and are expected to share relevant implications discussed at TSAC with their colleagues at the other sites.


The Director, Teacher Assessment chairs the Advisory Committee. They may delegate chair responsibilities to cover periodic absences, if required.

Meeting Schedule and Administration

Normally meets approximately three times per year and at the call of the chair.

A staff member from the Office of FD will capture meeting minutes. Minutes will be circulated to all members. Records will be maintained in accordance with UBC and Faculty of Medicine records retention procedures.

Quorum and Decision-Making Process

Meetings may be cancelled if fewer than half of members can attend.

This advisory council provides advice based on the input of all members. Members typically reach consensus on that advice but may convey multiple perspectives if consensus does not emerge.

Lines of Accountability and Communication

This advisory council:

  • Provides advice to the Director, Teacher Assessment.

Representatives of this advisory council liaise with other academic and administrative committees and advisory councils, as needed.


Underpinned by an attitude of valuing and supporting our teachers, this advisory council advises the Director, Teacher Assessment in the following areas to:

  1. Uphold the Teacher Assessment policy & procedures
  2. Create focused working groups as needed to support training required by teachers, educationalleaders and others impacted by the Teacher Assessment Policy
  3. Engage in continuous quality improvement in all areas related to Teacher Support and Assessment
  4. Review the Terms of Reference on an annual basis

The advisory council provides a venue:

  1. To update members on matters related to Teacher Support and Assessment so that they mayconvey that knowledge to their regional sites/departments/units
  2. To discuss diverse, programmatic, and contextual needs related to Teacher Support andAssessment


This version of these terms of reference have been approved by the Director, Teacher Assessment and the Undergraduate Medical Education Committee on September 16, 2024.