In Memoriam: Dr. Connie Eaves

The Eaves family will be holding a Celebration of Life for Connie starting at 1:30 pm on Sunday, May 5, 2024 at the Chan Centre at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. More information can be found on the website here. This Celebration of Life is open to all those who would like to attend.

Dr. Connie Eaves

Dr. Connie Eaves passed away on March 7, 2024.

A world-leading cancer and stem cell researcher and a dedicated advocate for women in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and maths), Dr. Eaves was a current professor in the Department of Medical Genetics and the School of Biomedical Engineering, and a distinguished scientist at BC Cancer’s Terry Fox Laboratory.

Through her research career spanning more than five decades, her discoveries advanced knowledge on the origin of leukemia and breast cancer, and her pioneering research methodologies — including developing a technique to separate cancerous from normal stem cells — have become gold standard approaches used by laboratories around the world. Dr. Eaves was also a noted mentor and supervisor, and a passionate advocate for women in science.

Dr. Eaves was recognized at the highest levels within Canada and internationally, including appointment to the Order of Canada, election to the Royal Society (UK) and the US National Academy of Medicine, and induction into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame.

Read a tribute to Dr. Eaves from BC Cancer Research.

To learn more about the life and legacy of Dr. Eaves, read her obituary published in The Globe and Mail.