Emeriti: Partner, Clinical, Adjunct, and Honorary
The deadline to submit recommendations regarding Partner, Clinical, Adjunct, and Honorary Emeritus status to Dean’s Office is Friday, March 25th, 2022. Please send all requests to Aneri Dalal. The next opportunity to submit recommendations is expected to be in November 2022.
Emeriti: Tenure Stream
Please submit the list of tenure-stream faculty members who have a confirmed retirement date between January 1st – November 30th, 2022 and qualify for emeritus status supported by the Department Head/School Director, to Aneri Dalal by Friday, March 25th, 2022. The next opportunity to submit recommendations is expected to be in November 2022.
Updating Workday to reflect the Termination/Retirement Date
In general we have been advised to enter actions in Workday no more than two pay periods in advance of the action date. In the case of faculty appointments, if there will be no change in the individual’s appointment before the retirement/termination date it is fine to enter the retirement/termination well in advance of the two pay period recommendation. If changes will be processed for a faculty member, then wait till those have been processed before updating the system to reflect the retirement/termination. Please ensure that the retirement/termination is entered into the system before the actual retirement date. If the retirement/termination is entered late this can affect FR’s ability to add the Emeritus status with the correct effective date. The ISC is only able to rescind or fix in certain situations, and have warned us they may not be able to fix in all situations.
Updating Emeritus Status on Workday
After Senate confirms emeritus status Faculty Relations will update Workday to record Emeritus status as long as Workday already reflects the retirement. Administrators may not add emeritus status to Workday. Note that FR is unable to record the emeritus status if the appointment has not been Terminated/Retired in the system. If a post retirement appointment (PRA) is required, administrators will need to wait for Faculty Relations to update the system to record emeritus status. PRAs cannot be approved by FR until emeritus status is recorded – any entered ahead of time will be pushed back. If an administrator notices a retiree who should have been awarded emeritus status, but the status is not recorded on Workday please contact Faculty Relations.
Annual Honorary Reappointment Process
There will be the Annual Batch Reappointment process for honorary appointments ending June 30, 2022 in Workday, and you will be notified of the actual deadline once it is confirmed by Faculty Relations. In the meantime, we encourage you to use this time to review your honorary appointees. Please double check that these honorary appointees are currently “unpaid fixed term” in Workday to ensure they will be captured in the Annual Batch Reappointment Process when Faculty Relations download the data from Workday. All other employee types (i.e. “paid fixed term”) will not be captured in this Reappointment process and have to be reappointed individually via a business process.
If your department has Clinical Faculty teaching in the IMP, NMP or SMP, please work with the distributed program to determine if the Clinical Faculty member should be reappointed. Please also take note of any foreign workers who have an expiring work permit. For these individuals, you will need to submit a copy of their renewed work permit or permanent resident card (front and back of the card) to our office in order to be reappointed. As a reminder, please run the Work Permit Expiry Information Report in order to obtain a list of individuals with upcoming work permit expiry dates. For those being renewed and require a work permit extension, please work with Faculty HR to ensure the work permit is in place prior to the end of the appointment end date.
2022 Merit/OAP, PSA and DAA Timelines
In preparation for the July 1, 2022 faculty increases, please make note of the timelines for submission of merit/Outstanding Academic Performance ranking, Performance Salary Adjustment recommendations, and DAA nominations. For any questions related to merit/OAP/PSA, please contact Jane Zhang, Susan Jackson, and Alyssa Piperni as per the portfolio split. For questions regarding DAA, please reach out to FOM Recognition.
- 2022 Merit Ranking and Outstanding Academic Performance (OAP): Please submit by Friday, April 15, 2022.
- 2022 Performance Salary Adjustments (PSA) Recommendations: please submit them by Friday, April 22, 2022.
2022 Distinguished Achievement Awards (DAA): Please submit the nomination packages to FOM Recognition by Friday, April 22, 2022.
FOM Guide and Best Practices on Merit, PSA, OAP
To support the introduction of the FoM Guide and Best Practices on Merit, PSA and OAP, the Faculty HR Managers held a workshop on February 23rd, 2023. The Guide and recording can be found on MedNet for those who missed it.
2022 Career Progress Increments
The Career Progress Increments (CPI) for 2022 have been loaded, with the exception of Length of Service (LOS) CP. The deadline for departments to review the CPI and LOS CP load and respond to our office via the Faculty HR Managers is March 25, 2022. Please see the attached email for more instructions on how to check CPI/CP LOS.
Update on Self-Isolation Resource
Due to significant changes to pandemic-related travel restrictions, there is no longer a need to have the ‘Faculty Acknowledgement of Responsibility’ form completed by new faculty hires. The Immigration section of the HR website has been updated to reflect this, and to direct incoming hires to check the COVID-19-related travel requirements on the Government of Canada website.
As self-isolation periods are no longer required for most incoming travelers, except in rare cases where they are ordered to quarantine by a CBSA or PHAC officer, UBC has retired the self-isolation resource document. Departments and/or employees are welcome to contact the Housing and Relocation Office for information and resources if needed.
Important note: UBC is required to pay faculty during any mandatory quarantine/self-isolation period that is completed prior to the official start date, should the incoming traveler be directed by an official to quarantine. For any questions about this, please contact Irish Krolikowski.
Foreign Arrivals to UBC – LMIA Holders
UBC is obligated to provide information to Service Canada regarding foreign workers who arrive in Canada and obtain a work permit via a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA). As soon as the individual arrives in Canada, they need to inform the department administrator who in turn needs to inform Faculty Relations. Please send an email to Nicki Hogg (A-K) Vancouver, Christine Pickering (L-Z) Vancouver, or Trisha Kasawski (Okanagan) with the following information:
- Name of foreign academic
- Initial date and time of arrival at work location
- Contact information of foreign academic