New Faculty Research Award

Funding is available for new recruits in the Faculty of Medicine. Up to $10,000 may be awarded.

2024 Competition Closed


Applicants must be within two years of their first eligible Faculty appointment in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of British Columbia as of the application deadline. Eligible appointments include: 

  • Assistant Professor (or higher), full time 
  • Assistant Professor (or higher), Partner 
  • Adjunct Professor 

NEW: Clinical Faculty applicants must be within four years of their first eligible Clinical Faculty appointment in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of British Columbia as of the application deadline. Eligible clinical appointments include: 

  • Clinical Assistant Professor (or higher) 

Previous awardees of the New Faculty Research Award, and applicants who have received $200,000 or more in Start Up Funds from other sources, are ineligible. 

Criteria for Use of Funds

Research equipment and supplies, research services, research support salaries/stipends, and dissemination of research results are eligible expenses. Travel and subsistence costs are not eligible.

Award Amount

A maximum of $10,000 will be awarded to successful applicants.

Application Instructions

A complete application includes the following:

This competition will use a blind review process, which means the applicant identity is concealed from the reviewer. To facilitate a blind review process, please do not use any names, gender specific pronouns or similar identifying characteristics unless requested.

References are not required for this application. If you would like to use references, please use an abbreviated style without full author names to facilitate the blind review process.

Research Project Information Form (RPIF) does not need to be included in the initial application package. It will be required at a later stage.


Applications will be reviewed by a committee composed of Faculty members within the Faculty of Medicine. Applications will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Potential and quality of the proposed research
  • Proposed use and impact of the funds
  • Applicant’s time devoted to research
  • Applicant’s scholarly productivity in the context of the career stage and personal circumstances
  • Applicant’s competitiveness for external funding


For any questions regarding this award, please email Meredith Ladner