The Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine (LKCMedicine), was established in 2017 and is a partnership between Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and Imperial College London. LKCMedicine aims to be a model for innovative medical education and a centre for transformative research.
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UBC Faculty of Medicine has partnered with the Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine (LKCMedicine) at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore to build a global coalition to accelerate research in the areas of healthy aging, brain health, and precision oncology.
Areas of collaboration include:
- exchange of post-doctoral fellows,
- joint conferences, seminars, workshops and exhibitions, and
- collaborations on research projects.

Funding opportunities
June 21, 2024 – Update
We are still accepting applications for the Postdoctoral Exchange Travel Award. Space is limited. See details below.
Announcement of Postdoctoral Exchange Travel Award
We are pleased to announce a new opportunity to further strengthen the partnership between NTU Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine and the UBC Faculty of Medicine.
Three successful co-hosted virtual Symposia in the research areas of Healthy Aging, Precision Oncology, and Dementia, have sparked many potential collaborations between the institutions, and we are proud to introduce the upcoming NTU LKCMedicine & UBC Faculty of Medicine Postdoctoral Exchange Travel Award.
This travel award offers a unique opportunity for postdoctoral fellows from NTU LKCMedicine and UBC Faculty of Medicine, to travel to the host institution and engage in collaborative research for a period of 4 to 6 months. Principal Investigators from host institutions will be eligible to have lab-related research expenses during the exchange period reimbursed through the award.
The objective of this award is to promote co-development of research capabilities and foster long lasting collaborations between the institutions. Postdoctoral fellows with Principal Investigators from NTU and UBC are invited to apply and submit a proposed collaborative research project. Projects will be selected by a committee with representation from both universities.
Important Dates
Updated June 21, 2024
- Applications Open: February 5, 2024
- Application Deadline:
June 15, 2024Still accepting applications - Award Decision:
By August 2024Rolling basis - Exchange Start Date: No later than January 31, 2025, exceptions will be considered
Process to Submit Applications
- Download the NTU LKCMedicine & UBC Faculty of Medicine Postdoctoral Exchange Travel Award Application Form.
- Email completed application form and supporting documents (CVs) by the deadline to Courtney Bryce, Strategic Programs Officer at
Applicants must:
- Have a Ph.D or M.D.D.S degree
- Hold a Postdoctoral Fellow position at NTU Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine or UBC Faculty of Medicine by the application submission
- Have approval from their Principal Investigator to participate in the postdoctoral exchange
- Identify a Principal Investigator who will host the applicant for the agreed exchange period
- Have confirmation from NTU/UBC that they will continue to be employed and funded by their home institution for the duration of their exchange period, and will return to their Postdoctoral Fellow position at their home institution at the end of the exchange period
- Be eligible to work in the host country (Canada/Singapore) and are responsible for complying with any regulations for temporary travel and work (i.e., obtain temporary work permit, travel authorizations) for the duration of their exchange period
- Not be candidates for degrees of the Host institution
Award Details
- Successful applicants will have all travel and accommodations expenses sponsored and continue to receive regular salary/stipend from the home institution.
- Exchange period is for a minimum of 4 and no more than 6 months. It is expected that the exchange will begin no later than January 31, 2025 (with exceptions considered).