The first ever Precision Health Symposium was held on February 2, 2023 bringing together faculty, clinicians, researchers, learners and staff across precision-health related disciplines. The Symposium highlighted important research in the precision health through presentation from the keynote speakers and PH Catalyst Grant award recipients, a poster session, and breakout sessions showcasing resources and tools available to support PH research.
See the Symposium Program here.
Keynote Speakers
Keynote speaker Dr. Nadine Caron, a member of the Sagamok Anishnawbek First Nation, Co-Director of the UBC Centre for Excellence in Indigenous Health, and a professor in the Northern Medical Program and Department of Surgery, presented “Searching for equity in genomic research and precision medicine”. Guest keynote speaker Dr. Michael Snyder from Stanford University spoke on “Transforming healthcare with big data”.

Dr. Nadine Caron receives a standing ovation after her keynote presentation “Searching for Equity in Genomic Research & Precision Medicine”
Poster Awards
Congratulations to the poster presenter award recipients:
1ST place: Erin Pleasance, (Precision Cancer Medicine: The Personalized OncoGenomics Program)
2nd place: Andrew Murtha, (Multi-focal sampling of de novo metastatic prostate cancer reveals complex polyclonality and enables accurate clinical genotyping)
3rd place: Laura Williamson, (Nanopore Long-Read Sequencing of Advanced Tumours from the Personalized OncoGenomics and Marathon of Hope Cancer Centres Network Study)

“I am excited to continue the vision for Precision Health and support research in priority areas. The Symposium was a great success. It not only highlighted our expertise in this field, but also created an opportunity to unite different aspects within the Faculty of Medicine and enable inter-faculty collaboration on future precision health related research ideas.”
Dr. Stuart Turvey, current lead of Precision Health

We thank all who attended the Symposium and look forward to providing more opportunities to showcase precision health research at UBC in the future. We also acknowledge support from the event sponsor, Genome BC.
Thank You to Our Sponsor!

Thank you for supporting and contributing to the Precision Health Symposium.
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