Carissa Dyck

Meet Carissa Dyck, Programs Manager, Department of Physical Therapy.

Carissa Dyck


PT Programs Manager


Physical Therapy



How long have you worked at the UBC Faculty of Medicine?

Since 2009.

Tell us what you do at the Faculty in one or two sentences:

I manage the administration of educational and professional programs in the Department of Physical Therapy.

What’s your favourite thing about your work?

I work with wonderful people – our faculty, staff, and students are amazing! I also love that my job is different every day – there’s always a new project (or problem!), which keeps things interesting.

One thing we might be surprised to learn about you?

I’ve spent the last four months working remotely in the Shuswap Lake area.

What is the song you sang out loud as a teenager?

I went to a lot of Matthew Good Band concerts – he went to our ‘rival’ high school!

What makes you laugh?

A lot of things make me laugh, I like to think I find the humour in many situations 🙂

One thing on your desk you brought from work?

My standing desk attachment.

Most healthy habit:


What is your favourite vacation spot?
