Rouhollah Mousavizadeh

Meet Rouhollah (Rola) Mousavizadeh, Research Associate in the Department of Physical Therapy.

Rouhollah Mousavizadeh


Research Associate


Department of Physical Therapy


UBC Vancouver

How long have you worked at the UBC Faculty of Medicine?

Almost 10 years.

Tell us what you do at the Faculty in one or two sentences:

As a researcher in Dr. Alex Scott’s laboratory, I study the pathology of tendons to develop novel modalities for management and therapy of tendon injuries.

What’s your favourite thing about your work?

The journey of research. It comes with lots of failed experiments which test your resilience and teach you to learn from different angles. And when the success comes, you feel absolute joy.

What song did you sing out loud to as a teenager?

I love Persian traditional music and poetry. Specially a poem by Rumi and vocals by Shajarian. It’s translated to:

I have come hidden from eyes like mind and soul
To take flame (bright) to my eyes and soul
They have filled my sight, where can I see but them
They have taken the city of my heart, where else can I go?
In the desiring of them, I have been turned like desire
Because I cannot name them, I say the name of the moon

What makes you laugh?

Watching my son when he hysterically laughs at something silly.

Where is your favourite vacation spot, and why?

Visiting my wife’s family in Bellingen, Australia.