Sherisse Sy

Meet Sherisse Sy, Special Projects Manager, School of Population and Public Health.

Sherisse Sy


Special Projects Manager


School of Population and Public Health


UBC Vancouver

How long have you worked at the UBC Faculty of Medicine?

Seven years.

Tell us what you do at the Faculty in one or two sentences:

My portfolio is focused on curriculum development and redesign for new and existing programs in the School.

What’s your favourite thing about your work?

I’ve had a few different roles in the education team in SPPH, most recently I am working on special projects. Consistently, the most rewarding part of my work is to think of what we’re teaching and how we’re teaching and how this shapes a students’ experience in their program. I enjoy contributing to our process of continuous improvement and supporting students from their time as applicants to hearing their stories as our alumni.

One thing we might be surprised to learn about you?

I’ve been working on a home renovation for four years with my brother-in-law’s 1920’s character home in Mt Pleasant.

What is the song you sang out loud as a teenager?

Nothing specific comes to mind but when I was around eight or nine years old, I watched Grease 2 (note it was the sequel and not the original) on repeat and still know all the words to all the songs.

What makes you laugh?

My kids.

One thing on your desk you brought from work?

Every week is a rotation of artwork from my kids that I am told to bring to work to put up in my office.

Most healthy habit:

My yoga practice.

What is your favourite vacation spot and why?

The Basque Country in northern Spain.