Changes can be categorized into five different types. How a proposal will navigate through the FoM curriculum pathway is dependent on the change type.
Category 1 – New Degree Programs/Academic-credit Certificates
New program and academic-credit certificate proposals requiring Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills approval include: new undergraduate degree programs and majors, new graduate degree programs, new degree credentials, and significant revisions of programs that warrant credential renaming.
Proposals to establish new certificates and diplomas typically do not require Ministry approval, but must be approved at a Faculty level and by UBC-V Senate.
All health education programs, including new degree programs and certificate programs, are required to complete a formal Health Review (CIP 51) by the Ministry of Post-Secondary and Future Skills (PSFS).
Category 1 – Non-credit Credentials
Non-credit program certificates, and non-credit program micro-certificates require the approval of the proposing Faculty (or Faculties), UBC Extended Learning (if the credential is in partnership with UBC Extended Learning), the UBC Senate Curriculum Committee, and UBC-V Senate.
The authority to approve non-credit letters is delegated by Senate to the Faculties and UBC Extended Learning. Faculties and UBC Extended Learning may exercise the delegated authority to approve non-credit letters only where the requirements of this policy and any other applicable Senate policies are satisfied.
The UBC Office of the Provost and Vice-President Academic has the delegated authority to approve fees for non-credit programming, specifically non-credit certificate programs and non-credit micro-certificate programs.
UBC Senate policy V-129: Non-Credit Credentials will provide specific criteria for non-credit program certificates (normally consisting of a minimum of 150 expected hours of learning activities), non-credit program micro-certificates (normally consisting of a minimum of 50 expected hours of learning activities) as well as other details about the approval process for non-credit credentials.
All health education programs, including non-credit program certificates (150+ expected hours of learning activities), are required to complete a formal Health Education Program Review (CIP 51) by the Ministry of Post-Secondary and Future Skills (PSFS). Non-credit micro-certificates and non-credit letters are not typically required to undergo the CIP 51 review process.
Category 1 – New Courses/Major Changes
Includes but not limited to new courses or cases in which an existing course or program is subject to substantive and extensive changes, such as the creation of new courses and new subject code, program name changes, reopening a closed course, changes to existing courses or programs that engender budgetary implications, and the closure of a program.
For additional details, please refer to the UBC-V Senate Guide to Curriculum Submissions.
Category 2 – Minor Changes
Generally, less substantive changes to existing courses or programs, and the closure of courses. If the closure of a course impacts Faculties outside of the Faculty of Medicine, this would be elevated to a Category 1 change.
These proposals must not require changes in budgetary or space requirements, and generally do not require consultation with other Faculties or Schools. As such, only the standard 2-column Change to Course or Program form will typically be required. Further documentation may be requested at the discretion of the Senate Curriculum Committee, or its subcommittees.
For additional details, please refer to the UBC-V Senate Guide to Curriculum Submissions.
NOTE: Changes submitted as Category 2 may be reconsidered as a Category 1 change at the discretion of the committee charged with the review.
Editorial Calendar Changes – UBC Academic Calendar Proofreading
Editorial calendar changes are non-substantive corrections to existing programs and courses, and include updating ‘broken’ URLs, spelling and grammar errors, updating contact information, and updating academic staff lists.
Faculties are prompted by UBC Enrolment Services to proofread their sections of the UBC Calendar in advance of the UBC Academic Calendar deadline. This process occurs twice a year: before the February UBC academic calendar release and before the May UBC academic calendar release. FoM Curriculum will notify programs when to submit these editorial changes to, and will submit changes to UBC Enrolment Services on behalf of the programs
Laura Gillis
Curriculum Coordinator
Office of the Vice Dean, Education