Community-University Engagement Support Fund

The 2023/24 Community-University Engagement Support (CUES) Fund is now open. Get up to $25,000 to support community-university partnerships that benefit communities across the province and advance collaborative research, teaching and learning.

The fund is open to BC-based community partners and UBC students, faculty, and staff. Interested applicants are invited to submit a Notice of Intent by September 22, 2023.

Paid directly to community partners, CUES funding removes financial barriers and prioritizes reciprocal, inclusive engagement so all communities — especially those that have been and continue to be underserved, marginalized or excluded — can benefit. This year, a total of $675,000 is available to fund up to 27 community-university projects.

The CUES fund is jointly administered by UBC Community Engagement and the Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation.

Information session

Attend the information session: What to know before applying on September 14. Get an overview of the CUES fund, review the applicant guide and eligibility requirements, and ask any questions before submitting your Notice of Intent.