Keep your UBC Zoom meetings and online classes secure by familiarizing yourself with UBC IT’s recommended Zoom privacy and security settings.
If you are hosting a public event on Zoom, remember that additional steps need to be taken to keep your session secure from incidents such as ‘Zoom bombings’ — where intruders take over a Zoom session by saying or showing inappropriate content.
Read the list of guidelines on preventing Zoom bombings on the UBC IT website, and see five tips from the Digital Solutions Information Security team below.

Protect your Zoom meetings
1. Avoid publicly posting meeting links
- Sharing your meeting link on social media or public websites can allow ANYONE with the link to join
- Set up a registration instead
- Avoid using your Personal Meeting ID
2. Require authentication
- Only allow participants who logged in with their Zoom accounts
3. Use a waiting room
- Screen participants before letting them in with the Waiting Room feature
4. Manage your participants
- Disable participants video
- Mute participants upon entry
- Restrict screen sharing
- Set who participants can chat with
- Prevent participants renaming
- Remove unwanted participants
5. Lock your meeting
- Once you have the intended participants, lock the meeting to prevent anyone else from joining