Emeriti – Partner, Clinical, Adjunct, and Honorary
The FoM internal deadline to submit recommendations regarding Partner, Clinical, Adjunct, and Honorary Emeritus status is Friday, October 28th. Please send all requests to the attention of Fern Moran. The next opportunity to submit recommendations is expected to be in April 2023. Additional information regarding Emeritus recommendations for retired Partner, Clinical, Adjunct, and Honorary faculty members can be found on MedNet.
Emeriti – Tenure Stream
In Workday, retirements should not be entered more than two (2) pay periods in advance of the end date. As such, Faculty Relations will not be able to run the list of retirees in November/December for the tenure-stream emeriti list. If units wish to put forward recommendations for Emeriti for retired tenure-stream faculty, please submit the list of tenure-stream faculty members who have a confirmed retirement date until April 2023 to the Dean’s Office (Fern Moran) by Friday, October 28th.
Lump sum payment for Sessional Lecturers
The annual 1% lump sum payment has been loaded to the September 30th paycheque for those Sessional Lecturers who received regular sessional earnings from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022. This payment is made in accordance with Article 6.02 of Part 2 (Salaries and Economic Benefits) of the Collective Agreement.
Prescribed Interest Rate for PIRLs
The Prescribed Interest Rate has increased from 2% to 3% effective October 1, 2022. This means that any PIRL loans activated as of October 1, 2022 will require the faculty member to pay 3% of the loan interest. The Provost Office and the Department/Schools support the faculty member’s loan by splitting the remaining ongoing interest cost on the loan for the 15-year duration of the loan. Going forward after October 1, 2022, the faculty member will pay 3%, and the Provost Office and the hiring faculty/department will pay 2.15% in interest. Please see the attached email for further details.
MedNet Modernization
The Digital Solutions team is in the process of finalizing the design and development of the new MedNet site on WordPress. There will be future communications related to this transition closer to the launch date. The new MedNet site is anticipated to go live on November 28, 2022.
Recruitment Planner Template
The FoM Recruitment Planner template has been updated and can be found on the ‘Getting Started’ section on MedNet. Please utilize the latest version of the template when submitting new recruitment requests for all Tenure stream and some Term faculty positions.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow Offer Letter
Faculty Relations recently updated the Postdoctoral Research Fellow offer letter templates. Please ensure that your offer letters are drafted in the current templates.
Faculty HR Team Update
Please see the attached email regarding changes to the Faculty HR Team portfolio breakdown. The portfolio breakdown document is also posted on MedNET.
HR Roundtable: Centre for Workplace Accessibility
A reminder that there will be HR Roundtable on Centre for Workplace Accessibility on Wednesday, October 26, 2022, at 1:00-2:30 pm. This will be an opportunity for you to meet and speak with Workplace Accessibility Specialists. More information on this Roundtable session can be found here. To RSVP, please click this link, by Friday, October 14, 2022.
Vaccine declarations for care locations
Please continue to ensure that you are obtaining proof of vaccination prior to the appointment start date if the employee is based out of a care location. Please see the attached email for further information. If you have any questions about vaccine declarations, please email: margarita.reyes@ubc.ca.
Staff Awards Working Group – Call for Volunteers
If you are interested in participating in the Staff Awards Working Group, please contact ginny.mak@ubc.ca by Friday, October 21, 2022.