See the latest updates, events & opportunities from across the Faculty & UBC.
Latest announcements
Respectful Environments Survey: Complete by June 30
Last chance! Complete the survey by Friday, June 30.
Community update from Dean Dermot Kelleher
An end-of-academic year message from Dermot Kelleher, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Vice-President, Health, UBC.
Health Innovation Funding Investment (HIFI) Awards 2023
Ten teams received funding to improve health & address health inequities.
Join UBC at UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP28)
Submit your application to join the delegation by July 14.
Physical Therapy & Research Clinic at UBCV
The on-campus clinic offers appointments with student & fully-licensed physiotherapists.
Proposed amendments to the Snow Policy
Share your feedback by September 25.
Event registration
CSDI Policy Communications Clinic workshop series
Register & learn how to communicate your research for policy change.
Orthopaedic Update & BCOA Annual Meeting
Register to attend the annual conference May 4–5, 2023.
New BCCSU Research & Dialogue speaker series
Starting March 29, the series aims to place substance use research in dialogue with lived experience.
Funding & award opportunities
Healthy Workplace Initiatives Program funding
Promote wellbeing in your workplace, apply by April 7.
Solutions Scholars Program
Submit a notice of intent by Feb. 28.
Canada Excellence Research Chairs: Call for nominations
Register intent to nominate by March 5.
In Memoriam
The Faculty of Medicine recognizes members of our community and their contributions to the university.
Upcoming events from across the Faculty of Medicine.