Explore more updates, events & opportunities from across the Faculty & UBC.
Apply to serve on UBC’s Accessibility Committee
Faculty & staff are invited to apply by March 13, 2023.
Advancing precision health research at UBC
The Precision Health initiative aims to support collaboration between researchers in the field.
National Research Prizes: Deadline extended
Submit nominations by March 17, 2023.
Join the International Freezer Challenge
Register your UBC lab to compete & improve energy-efficiency.
UBC recognized as one of BC’s Top Employers in 2023
The designation recognizes BC employers that lead as exceptional places to work.
Celebrate Pink Shirt Day Feb. 22
Wear a pink shirt, download a Zoom background, & access resources.
Call for nominations for faculty representatives to the Senate
Nominations for Faculty representatives close at 4pm on Feb. 27.
A message about the earthquake tragedy in Turkiye and Syria
A message of sympathy and support to the UBC community about the earthquake tragedy in Turkiye and Syria.
2023 Bluma Tischler Postdoctoral Fellowship
Apply by March 31 for the one-year stipend.
Partnering in Research conference
Register to join the June 12 event at UBC Robson Square.
Audiology & Speech Sciences: School Director candidate presentation
Register to join the presentation online or in-person on March 6.
UBC Connects | Exploring 21st Century Fertility Law
Register to join the discussion on March 10.
Celebrate Pink Shirt Day on Feb. 26
Wear a pink shirt, download a Zoom background & access resources.
Beyond 75: Vancouver rescheduled to April 23
Registrations have been carried over to the new date.
Disability in the Workplace: Register for an interactive workshop
Register for an upcoming workshop date.
Climate Emergency Week at UBC
Join events, workshops, and activities Feb. 10–14.
Bridging Research & Action
Register to attend the hybrid event May 15–16.
Health Innovation Funding Investment (HIFI) Awards 2023
Ten teams received funding to improve health & address health inequities.
Distinguished University Scholar: Internal call for nominations
Submit preliminary nominations by 5pm on June 29.
UBC Wellbeing Strategic Initiative Fund
Funding is available to faculty- & staff-led initiatives that advance wellbeing at UBC.
Large Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund Transformation projects
Submit letters of intent by 3 pm on July 13.
UBCV Work Learn program Winter Session 2023
Submit your proposal to hire a UBCV student by June 19.
Students as Partners fund
Apply by June 16 to fund your UBC Vancouver course redesign project.
Climate and Wellbeing Education Grants
Faculty, apply by June 12 for up to $6,000 to help you integrate climate change & wellbeing into your course.
Partnership Recognition and Exploration Fund
Apply now to support your community-university collaboration.
New Faculty Research Award
Faculty appointed within two years, apply by June 26.
Dr. Hugh Kim appointed Director, Centre for Blood Research
A message from Robert McMaster and Teresa Tsang.
Dr. Jason Sutherland appointed Director, Centre for Health Services & Policy Research
A message from Robert McMaster, Vice Dean, Research.
Dr. Anita Palepu reappointed Head, Department of Medicine
A message from Dermot Kelleher, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Vice-President, Health, UBC.
Strategic Investment Fund: Call for proposals
Submit proposals by Sep. 9, 2024.
Strategic Plan in Action: Read the mid-term report
A message from Dermot Kelleher, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Vice-President, Health.
Register for the Full Faculty Meeting, May 14
Register online by 4:15 pm on May 14.
2024 Faculty of Medicine Awards nominations
Submit nominations by Friday, June 14.
Distinguished Achievement Awards 2024: Call for nominations
Nominations must be made by department heads or school directors by April 12.
Community Update from Dean Dermot Kelleher
A message from Dermot Kelleher, Dean, Faculty of Medicine & Vice-President, Health, UBC.
Strategic Investment Fund: Announcing the 2023 recipients
A message from Dermot Kelleher, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Vice-President, Health.
Community Update from Dean Dermot Kelleher
A message from Dermot Kelleher, Dean, Faculty of Medicine & Vice-President, Health, UBC.
Register for the Full Faculty Meeting, Nov. 21
Registration closes 4:15 pm on Nov. 21.