Explore more updates, events & opportunities from across the Faculty & UBC.
It Starts with Us: Contextualizing and Educating about the Holocaust on Jan. 25
Register for the Jan. 25 event, hosted by the REDI office & the Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre.
Proposed amendments to the UBC Naming Policy (GA6)
Share your feedback on the policy proposal by Feb. 15.
Killam Graduate Teaching Assistant Awards
Nominate a Graduate TA by Friday, March 3.
Roadmap for Change: Implementing anti-racism commitments at UBC
Register for the Jan. 25 UBC-wide virtual event.
Reminder: 2024 Japan Prize nominations
Submit nominations by Jan. 13, 2023.
Gender equity project
Participate in a project on gender equity and inclusivity in the Faculty.
2022 Partnership Recognition & Exploration fund recipients announced
Faculty of Medicine members are co-leading five of the successful projects.
Healthy Aging Program talks by Dr. David Almeida
Register for the Jan. 23 & Jan. 24 hybrid events.
Is your UBC workstation safe?
Complete the inspection survey by Jan. 31 & win an emergency readiness kit!
CHSPR 35th Annual Health Policy Conference: Value Judgements
Register now to join the conference March 9–10, 2023.
Research to Impact training program
Register by Jan. 16 to join the eight-week course hosted by UBC Knowledge Exchange.
5th Annual Global Health Conference (GHC23)
Register to join the hybrid conference, being held January 26, 2023.
Does Global Health Make Data or Health? Learning from Peruvian Trans Women
Join Dr. Amaya Perez-Brumer for the CGSHE Speaker Series, Dec. 14, 2022.
COP27 and the politics of power, people, and place
Join UBC Sustainability for a free panel event Dec. 1.
Learn data visualization tool Power BI
Register to join the Nov. 29 workshop, hosted by FoM Digital Solutions.
CTLT Winter Institute teaching & learning workshops
Register for teaching & learning workshops Dec. 12–15, 2022.
UBC’s Remembrance Day ceremony, Nov. 11
All UBC community members are invited to join in person or virtually.
Register for Discovery to Commercialization: Speed Mentoring Event & Networking Social
Organized in partnership between UBC Faculty of Medicine and Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute, the Discovery to Commercialization (D2C) speaker series has hosted conversations that connect people, ideas, and opportunities that are advancing life sciences research and innovation. Join the November 30 event for a speed mentoring session on effective career choices in industry, and…
Emerging Media Lab projects: Call for proposals
UBCV faculty, submit a proposal for the fall/winter cohort by July 15.
Large TLEF special call: Generative AI collaborative cluster grants
Submit ideas for internal review by June 24.
UBC Wellbeing Strategic Initiative Fund
Apply by July 9.
Partnership Recognition and Exploration Fund
Apply now to support your community-university collaboration.
UBCV Work Learn program, Winter Session 2024
Submit your proposal to hire a UBCV student by June 17.
Wall Fellowships & Awards
Submit a notice of intent for the inaugural awards program.
New Faculty Research Award
New faculty & clinical faculty, apply for funding by June 26.
Scholarship of Teaching & Learning funding opportunities
Apply for SoTL Linkage Grants or to the SoTL Seed Program.
UBC University Killam Professors: Call for nominations
Submit for internal review by June 27.
Dr. Darryl Knight reappointed Associate Dean, Research, Providence Health Care Research Institute
A message from Robert McMaster, Vice Dean, Research and Fiona Dalton, President & CEO, Providence Health Care.
Dr. Hugh Kim appointed Director, Centre for Blood Research
A message from Robert McMaster and Teresa Tsang.
Dr. Jason Sutherland appointed Director, Centre for Health Services & Policy Research
A message from Robert McMaster, Vice Dean, Research.
Dr. Anita Palepu reappointed Head, Department of Medicine
A message from Dermot Kelleher, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Vice-President, Health, UBC.
Distinguished Achievement Awards 2025: Call for nominations
Nominations must be made by department heads or school directors by April 12.
UBC’s updated Sexual Misconduct Policy and new training for all faculty and staff
Complete the Workplace Learning training by Feb. 28.
Strategic Investment Fund: Announcing the 2024 recipients
A message from Dermot Kelleher, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Vice-President, Health.
Holiday Message from Dean Dermot Kelleher
Read the end-of-year update from Dermot Kelleher, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Vice-President, Health.
Search for a new Dean, Faculty of Medicine & Vice-President, Health — Update
A message from Gage Averill, Provost and Vice-President, Academic, UBC Vancouver.
You are invited: Celebrating 75 years of excellence across British Columbia
Join us as we mark the Faculty’s 75th anniversary around the province.
Register for the Full Faculty Meeting, November 18
Register online by 4:15 pm on Nov. 18.
The Resilient Brain: Read our latest edition of Pathways
Dean Dermot Kelleher launches the latest edition of Pathways magazine.
Educational Supports for Clinical Faculty — Survey
Complete the clinical faculty survey by Nov. 7.