2022 Payroll Schedule
The semi-monthly salary and hourly pay schedule, including time and pay cut-off dates for 2022 is available on the Finance website at https://finance.ubc.ca/payroll/procedures-resources-administrators.
Royal College 2022 Academic Certification Application
The College has confirmed that there will be an in-take this February. We will provide the details for the upcoming application cycle soon.
Upcoming Terminations and Reappointments
Please run report “Employees with Upcoming Term End Dates” in Workday and determine if any paid or unpaid faculty members who have a termination date on of June 30th or earlier and need to be reappointed. Honorary reappointments ending June 30th will continue to be processed through the Annual Honorary Reappointment Process – our office will send the spreadsheets and information on the process to units as soon as we receive them from Faculty Relations. (We expect this list to be sent out in March, but feel free to begin reviewing honorary faculty whose end date is June 30, 2022 and bring them forward to your reappointment committees). Please note that eligible faculty salary increases are expected to take place in May. Therefore, it is encouraged that you process any reappointments before May or as early as possible.
Recommendations for Tenure Emeritus Status
Faculty Relations confirmed that all (Clinical + Tenure) emeritus recommendations submitted in November 2021 have been approved.
FoM Recruitment Guide, Faculty Job Advertisement, and Offer Letter Templates
In compliance with the recent Provincial Health Officer (PHO) order, the FoM Recruitment Guide, faculty job advertisement, and offer letter templates have been updated with the approved language for positions that are located at a health care location. Please remember to download the latest version from MedNet when you work on faculty advertisements and offer letters.
2021 Annual Activity Reports
Please refer to email announcement regarding 2021 Academic Annual Activity Report and relevant changes to this year’s reporting process. The annual activity reports are due January 31, 2022.
Academic Administrator Payment Options
Further to the information included in the December 2021 newsletter, the following is intended to provide additional guidance with respect to the payment options available to those who have an Academic Administrator position.
- Honorarium via an Honorary Allowance Plan – Please note that if the honorarium is externally sourced, it normally must not exceed 1/6th of the faculty member’s total compensation as per UBC Policy LR2. Honoraria in excess of these guidelines may be considered in exceptional circumstances and require approval from the Dean and the Provost and VP Academic.
- Buy-out of Clinical Time via a Clinical Allowance Plan – When it is important to offer a buy-out of clinical time in recognition of lost clinical work due to taking on an administrative role, you can add a clinical allowance plan (CLI) on an Academic Administrator job code. Please note that the payment is for a buy-out of clinical time in the comments box when processing the Business Process in Workday. Subject to the usual eligibility criteria, the clinical allowance plan (CLI) would be pensionable and includes benefit deductions when it is attached to an Academic Administrative position.
- Unpaid – Not all Academic Administrator roles come with compensation. In some situations, it is appropriate for the Academic Administrator role to remain unpaid:
a. In some cases, the deliverables attached to the Academic Administrator position already form part of the faculty member’s expected academic deliverables. As such, the individual is already being compensated with an academic salary via the General Salary Plan in Workday, so the Academic Administrator role is to remain unpaid.
b. In the case of Partner appointees, their employer (i.e., the Partner Institution) serves as paymaster; the Academic Administrator role appears as unpaid in Workday.
Please remember that all payments made in connection with the academic administrator job code are to be term-limited with defined start and end dates.
Foreign Academics Information/Updates
Please see below updates from Faculty Relations related to foreign academics and the latest government announcements regarding travel to Canada.
The December break & permit renewals
Foreign academics at UBC on a work permit and whose appointments will continue must renew their work permits in advance of the expiry date of their current permit. This is particularly important for those individuals on work permits that are expiring near the end of the year and who are considering leaving Canada during the December break. Individuals who apply for an extension of their work permit prior to the expiry of the current one will normally have Maintained Status (formerly Implied Status). This means that UBC may continue to pay salary while the individual awaits their new work permit – note that Maintained Status remains in place only if the individual remains in Canada. Anyone leaving Canada while they do not have a valid work permit will not have Maintained Status for work purposes and UBC will have to cease their salary and they must cease working until a positive decision on their application has been made.
Note that the current IRCC processing times for a new work permit for the same employer is 106 calendar days (approximately 4 months).
Should a faculty member leave Canada before they receive their new work permit they will no longer have Maintained Status for work purposes, and UBC must cease paying them and the faculty member must cease working until a positive decision on their application has been made. This will result in an interruption of pay until a new work permit is processed and approved and may impact their inability to return to Canada. Administrators need to inform Faculty Relations/Human Resources immediately of such cases.
Questions regarding Maintained Status and what happens should a foreign academic leave Canada should be directed to HR ImmigrationHelp (UBCV)or Trisha Kasawski (UBCO).
A reminder that administrators can run the report entitled “Foreign Worker Permit Information – Distributed” to view the work permit expiry information for their faculty members.
LMIA holders & arrival at UBC
Service Canada is now requiring LMIA holders to immediately notify their employer upon initial arrival at their work location after receiving their work permit.
As soon as your incoming faculty member arrives as UBC please send an email to Nicki Hogg (A-K) Vancouver, Christine Pickering (L-Z) Vancouver, or Trisha Kasawski (Okanagan) with the following information:
- Name of foreign academic
- Initial date and time of arrival at work location
- Contact information of foreign academic
Faculty Relations will forward this information to Service Canada.
Employer compliance fee
A reminder that the employer must pay the employer compliance fee for the IRCC Offer of Employment and that the fee cannot be charged to the foreign national.
Updates – Covid requirements for foreign nationals
As of September 7, 2021, the Government of Canada has started to allow fully vaccinated foreign nationals meeting applicable conditions to enter Canada for discretionary (non-essential) purposes. The essential nature of position letter will no longer be required for fully vaccinated incoming faculty and staff.
The Government of Canada continues to have Covid-19 related entry requirements for all travelers coming to Canada. Regardless of vaccination status, the Government requires all travelers to prepare a Self-Isolation Plan and provide the details of said plan by answering questions on an ArriveCan submission within 72 hours of their travel to Canada. Regular travel document requirements for air travel and entry to Canada continue to apply.
As of January 15, 2022, certain groups of travelers, including temporary foreign workers entering Canada with a valid work permit, who are currently exempt from entry requirements, will only be allowed to enter the country if they are fully vaccinated with one of the vaccines approved for entry into Canada.
Government of Canada introduces new measures to address COVID-19 Omicron variant of concern
As a precautionary measure, until January 31, 2022, the Government of Canada is implementing enhanced border measures for all travelers who have been in the Southern Africa region — including South Africa, Eswatini, Lesotho, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and Namibia, Egypt, Nigeria and Malawi— within the last 14 days before arriving in Canada.
Foreign nationals who have travelled in any of these countries within the previous 14 days will not be permitted entry into Canada. Be aware that the government could make changes to the list of countries affected and that admins should check the Self-Isolation Resource Package and contact HR Immigration Help (UBCV) or Trisha Kasawksi (UBCO) if there are further questions.
Canadian citizens, permanent residents and people with status under the Indian Act, regardless of their vaccination status or having had a previous history of testing positive for COVID-19, who have been in these countries in the previous 14 days will be subject to enhanced testing, screening, and quarantine measures.
For full details, please see the government announcement: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/news/2021/11/government-of-canada-introduces-new-measures-to-address-covid-19-omicron-variant-of-concern.html
BC Employment Standards Act Paid Sick Leave
Please see attached email regarding the amended Employment Standards Act to mandate paid sick leave for employees. The number of days for the paid sick leave provision will be at five (5) days effective January 1, 2022. Please read @Issue article from Central HR, which was attached to the email, outlining the changes and the impacted groups. More details to follow regarding its implementation in Workday.
Annotated CV Template for the Professoriate Stream
An updated annotated CV template for the professoriate stream is available on MedNet. The template has been updated to provide more clarity on how to present blended casefiles. Major updates were made in section 9. Scholarly and Professional Activities, subsection (i) Professional Contributions and include:
- added a subsection for professional accomplishments and scholarly leadership activities
- added a subsection for other types of Scholarly Contributions
- included examples of how to present professional contributions (e.g., documenting the impact and role of the faculty member on larger team activities)
The updated annotated CV template can be utilized for the upcoming round of promotion and tenure review in the academic year 2022/2023.
Terminating Non-active Clinical Faculty Appointments
It has come to our attention that the number of clinical faculty in our Faculty has been increasing at a fast pace. Please make sure that you are monitoring activities of clinical faculty in your Department/School and proactively terminating non-active clinical faculty appointments in Workday. If your Department/School has a process in place for cleaning-up appointments, please continue with that process as usual. If you don’t have a regular clean-up process, our team will provide you with a list of clinical faculty in your Department/School who are over the age of 70 and still have an active appointment in Workday. Please confirm if they are still actively involved with UBC by checking obituaries or contacting the individual, and terminate non-active appointments accordingly.
One-Time Payments for Unpaid Faculty
When you are initiating one-time payments for unpaid faculty members (e.g. Clinical Faculty and Adjunct Professors), please make sure the individual has a valid SIN in Workday. Please also remind the individual to add direct deposit information and/or correct mailing address in Workday so the payment can be processed correctly without delay.
Clinical Faculty Application Form Update
This is a reminder that if a clinical faculty who is a foreign national and is going to teach for a distributed site (i.e. IMP, SMP, NMP), please make sure their work permit meets the eligibility to teach at the distributed locations. If you have any questions regarding work permit eligibility to teach outside of Vancouver, please contact UBC immigration office at hr.immigration@ubc.ca. The Clinical Faculty Application Form has been updated accordingly on MedNet.