Policies & Guidelines

Find policies and guidelines specific to the Faculty of Medicine. UBC’s University Counsel also provides a list of policies passed by the Board of Governors, as well as associated procedures and guidelines which are currently in effect.

Operating & Administrative

Definitions of Centres/Institutes within the Faculty of Medicine, with procedures and guidelines for the academic unit review and renewal of leadership, and the updated procedures for the creation, approval, and decommissioning processes of these units.

Criteria and procedures for a change (new or dissolution) in department status.

Process for the creation or change of status of Divisions.

More specific direction in addition to UBC Policy SC3 regarding faculty members’ and the Faculty’s relationship with industry.

The process of changing the name of Departments, Schools or Centres.


The policy concerning the appointment, reappointment, promotion and termination of appointment of affiliate faculty members, and the rights, roles and responsibilities of the UBC Faculty of Medicine and affiliate faculty members.

Appendix II of the Policy and processes to address unprofessional behaviour (including harassment, intimidation) in the Faculty of Medicine.

Minimal criteria concerning clinical competence for the appointment, tenure and/or promotion of clinical faculty members.

Guidelines as to when to engage an external firm in the search process for a senior leader.

Mechanisms to help resolve issues with respect to the Appointment or the provision of academic services pursuant to the Appointment of clinical faculty members.

How information is communicated in the event that weather conditions and/or emergencies should necessitate class cancellations or office closures.

Guidelines for the appointment and review of endowed chairs and professorships

The policy of the UBC Faculty of Medicine in regards to appointment, reappointment, and promotion of Clinical Faculty.

Guidelines related to the appointment of Department Heads and School Directors within the Faculty of Medicine.

Guidelines for the appointment of Assistant Deans, Associate Deans, Executive Associate Deans and Regional Associate Deans.

Guidelines in support of UBC Policy #39 in the event of the death of any member of faculty or staff.

Principles and guidelines to balance resources by providing incentives to apply for external salary awards and maintaining ongoing academic activities.

Guidelines for the reviews of Assistant Deans, Associate Deans, Executive Associate Deans and Regional Associate Deans.

Process to Address Complaints of Mistreatment of Learners or Concerns about the Learning Environment

The standards of professional conduct for learners and faculty in professional programs in the UBC Faculties of Medicine and Dentistry. (Approved by UBC Senate February 13, 2013).


Guidelines for the administration of postgraduate medical education funding for the 2014 – 2015 fiscal year.

Guidelines for the administration of postgraduate medical education funding for the 2015 – 2016 fiscal year.

Cash Receipts Journal Vouchers (JV) should be accurate, properly authorized, and attached with appropriate supporting documentation.

Endowment Management

Endowment Management UBC Policy #113 regarding endowment management.

Faculty of Medicine guidelines supplementing UBC Policy #84: Entertainment.

Journal Vouchers (JV) should be accurate, properly authorized and attached with appropriate supporting documentation.

All requests for payment to suppliers or non-travel reimbursements to employees that do not have a Purchase or Blanket order require the submission of a Requisition for Payment form.

All personnel authorized to make payments to their respective departments will have their signature registered in the Authorized Personnel Signature file located in Financial Services.

This guideline outlines the minimum requirements and responsibilities for reviewing and approving expenditures within the Faculty of Medicine.

Some of the more common expenses listed on travel requisitions and a summary of their tax status.

Faculty of Medicine guidelines supplementing UBC Policy #83: Travel and Related Expenses.

All travel advances, clearances and claims for the University of British Columbia will be valid, complete, authorized and comply with the relevant guidelines.

Index of all UBC Finance policies and procedures.

This acknowledgement clarifies the agreement between the employee and the UBC Faculty of Medicine for the use of mobile phone devices for Faculty business.

The Voice and Data Usage Policy is adopted by the UBC Faculty of Medicine to allow eligible faculty and staff to use the mobile phone of their choice for business purposes.


This acknowledgement clarifies the agreement between the employee and the UBC Faculty of Medicine for the use of mobile phone devices for Faculty business.

The Voice and Data Usage Policy is adopted by the UBC Faculty of Medicine to allow eligible faculty and staff to use the mobile phone of their choice for business purposes.


University Counsel’s “Memorandum on Click-Through Agreements.” Click-through agreements are the acceptance of terms/conditions by an activity in electronic form such as clicking a designated icon.

Guidelines and consent forms for individuals who are visibly recognizable in photographs and video.

These Guidelines will assist students who wish to publish projects or materials either internally on Entrada or externally on social media to comply with UBC policies.

General guidance on the use of social media at UBC for faculty and staff.

This style guide highlights common errors and lists exceptions, preferences, or UBC-specific conventions.

Guide to the use of UBC’s and the Faculty of Medicine’s name, typeface, initials, specified colours and logo, as well as their relationship to other visual features in printed and electronic materials.


This document defines the allocation and management of academic administrative space across the province.

This document defines the allocation and management of academic research space across the province.

The working relationships, principles and procedures concerning hospital facilities and other health care facilities used by UBC.

How information is communicated in the event that weather conditions and/or emergencies should necessitate class cancellations or office closures.


This document defines the allocation and management of academic administrative space across the province.

This document defines the allocation and management of academic research space across the province.

The working relationships, principles and procedures concerning hospital facilities and other health care facilities used by UBC.

Guidelines, roles and responsibilities for users accessing the Faculty of Medicine network.

Describes when and how academic teaching sessions and clinical placements are cancelled if extreme weather or other disruptions occur at one or more of the Undergraduate Medical Education program sites, including Integrated Community Clerkship sites.

How information is communicated in the event that weather conditions and/or emergencies should necessitate class cancellations or office closures.

Guidelines for security audits performed on computer and communication devices owned or operated by the Faculty of Medicine.

Requirements to secure remotely connected systems accessing the Faculty of Medicine’s internal networks.

Outlines the acceptable use of computer equipment at the Faculty of Medicine.

The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and Online Surveys

Outlines a public body’s obligation to protect personal information in its custody or under its control from unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, or disposal.

UBC Policy 104 – Acceptable Use and Security of UBC Electronic Information and Systems

Outlines the responsibilities of members of the University community with respect to the acceptable use and security of University electronic information and the services, devices and facilities that store or transmit this information.

This acknowledgement clarifies the agreement between the employee and the UBC Faculty of Medicine for the use of mobile phone devices for Faculty business.

The Voice and Data Usage Policy is adopted by the UBC Faculty of Medicine to allow eligible faculty and staff to use the mobile phone of their choice for business purposes.

This policy provides clarity on the application of UBC Policy SC14 – Acceptable Use and Security of UBC Electronic Information and UBC Information Security Standards (ISS), as well as other policies related to procurement of IT related goods and services in all FoM units and environments.


Find policies and guidelines for educational programs, including Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

Provides a summary of all definition of terms across all MDUP policies.

Outlines the process whereby a student may, under exceptional circumstances, request a transfer to an alternate program site.

Provides students, faculty and staff with information regarding the types, duration, impacts and procedures for Leaves of Absence, and Return to Studies requirements before students return to the Undergraduate Medical Education Program.

Provides students with a quick summary of Leave of Absence options, requesting an LOA and returning from an LOA.

To provide guidelines for students when purchasing devices to support their learning experience

Describes the MD Undergraduate Program (MDUP) assessment framework including: timing of assessments, grading criteria, procedures for review of grades and documentation on the Medical Student Performance Record (MSPR) and transcript.

This document outlines the review and support processes for Workplace-based Assessments in Years 1 & 2. It also describes the role and responsibilities of the RSPS with respect to WBA assessments.

This document outlines the processes related to the referral, recommendation for support, and monitoring of Year 3 students by the RSPS. It also describes the role and responsibilities of the RSPS with respect to WBA assessments.

This document outlines the processes related to the referral, recommendation for academic advising, and monitoring of students by the Regional Student Promotions Subcommittee (RSPS).

To ensure clinicians providing health services to students are not involved in their academic assessment

Provides students, faculty and staff with the expectations for attendance in the MD Undergraduate Program and the procedures to be followed to report or request Absences. Reference CACMS Standards 12.4.

PDF fillable Student Absence Form for students in Years 3 and 4 (Years 1 & 2 students submit in Learning Management System)

Word fillable Student Absence Form for students in Years 3 and 4 (Years 1 & 2 students submit in Learning Management System)

This document outlines a process whereby a student may, under exceptional circumstances, request a transfer to the UBC Faculty of Medicine, MD Undergraduate Program.

Describes the expectations for scheduling of curricular time in Years 1, 2 and the Transition into Postgraduate Education and Practice (TIPP) Course in Year 4 of the MD Undergraduate Program.

Defines scheduling parameters for medical students in required clinical learning experiences and UBC electives.

The Medical Student Duty Hours & Important Dates handout provides a helpful summary of policy 010.

Describes the information on the Medical Student Performance Record, the source(s) of the information and the procedures for a student to request a review of summative comments or of a professionalism notation.

Describes the circumstances and procedures by which students may request deferral of an examination due to Unforeseen Events or Anticipated Events

Describes the criteria for advancement, promotion, graduation and academic standing and the consequences for students who do not meet the criteria.

Describes the system of Academic Advising available to medical students to support academic success.

To create a standardized approach to the incorporation of Guests who share their experiences in large group teaching sessions.

Describes the opportunity for students to graduate from the MD Undergraduate Program at times other than the May and November Congregations.

To provide guidelines for students when purchasing devices to support their learning experience

Describes categories of student travel that are funded by the MDUP and the procedures for funding approval and reimbursement.

To provide directions and procedures for the process of Assessment of Teachers by Students and the subsequent feedback to faculty members (“Teacher Assessment”)

To provide a uniform approach to students’ physical examination of clinical teaching associates, standardized and volunteer patients and to outline procedures should an adverse event occur

Conduct Agreement and Waiver which all Clinical Teaching Associates + Standardized + Volunteer Patients + Student Volunteers + Guests must sign – LEGAL REQUIREMENT

Parental Consent + Acknowledgement of Risk for Pediatric Volunteer Patients – LEGAL REQUIREMENT

Extracurricular Activities Registration for Liability Coverage.

To provide guidelines for students when purchasing devices to support their learning experience

FAQs – Extracurricular Activities and Liability Insurance

To define the eligibility of visiting medical students applying for UBC electives

To outline the clinical requirements for visiting Canadian and international medical students requesting electives

To describe the activities and responsibilities expected of students in supervised clinical settings.

Provides guidelines for supervised teaching, learning and assessment in the clinical setting.

To provide information about the responsibilities of students with respect to communicable diseases, including blood-borne viruses, and the implications for a student having such a condition.

Information on procedures specific to Undergraduate Medical Educaiton students requiring assessment for and implementation of accommodations.

Provides guidelines in the event of an external complaint that involves a student

To describe the rights and responsibilities associated with the recording and sharing of lectures and seminars.

Describes when and how examinations are rescheduled if extreme weather or other disruptions occur at one or more of the MD Undergraduate Program sites, including Integrated Community Clerkship sites.

Describes when and how academic teaching sessions and clinical placements are cancelled if extreme weather or other disruptions occur at one or more of the Undergraduate Medical Education program sites, including Integrated Community Clerkship sites.

Informs MD/PhD students about rules for timely completion of external research rotations during their research years

Provides guidance and direction for the management, protection, retention and disposal of the Medical Student Academic Record in the UBC MD Undergraduate Program (MDUP)

Describes the policy and procedures for handling and distribution of confidential examination materials

Describes how Students Volunteers can be safely and respectfully examined by their student colleagues, using an ‘opt in’ process.

Provides a guide to supports if a medical student becomes a parent by pregnancy or other means during medical school.

Provides guidance to students and faculty on appropriate conduct and location for participation in virtual learning sessions.

The policy defines the standards of access for Portfolio content on Entrada.

A concise guide to assist Academic Advisors in supporting medical students. The guide provides an overview of the academic advising policy, framework for supporting learners and support resources.

Appeals Process for Appeals on Academic Standing for Undergraduate Medicine, Undergraduate Medical Laboratory Sciences and Midwifery Programs in the Faculty of Medicine

Procedures for students to manage a blood or body fluid (BBF) exposure such as a needle-stick, suture-stick, scratch or splash.

This document outlines the Guiding Principles for recruiting Lecturers, Session Leads, and Week Leads across the various MDUP Courses that are primarily delivered in a classroom-based (non-clinical) format.

Student professionalism guidelines for the MD Undergraduate Program that address lapses in professional behaviour by students.

Summary of the MD Undergraduate Program Student Professionalism Guidelines that address lapses in professional behaviour by students.

UBC Senate policy stipulates that members of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (G+PS) may supervise graduate students, chair examining committees, and vote at Faculty general meetings.

Process to Address Complaints of Mistreatment of Learners or Concerns about the Learning Environment

These Guidelines will assist students who wish to publish projects or materials either internally on Entrada or externally on social media to comply with UBC policies.

These entrance core competencies support the retention, promotion and graduation of medical students.

Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies

UBC Senate policy stipulates that members of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (G+PS) may supervise graduate students, chair examining committees, and vote at Faculty general meetings.


For research activities to be sustainable, and for researchers to receive the necessary support from their faculties, departments and central administration, it is imperative that the full cost of research is recovered.

More specific direction in addition to UBC Policy SC3 regarding faculty members’ and the Faculty’s relationship with industry.

The Office of Research Services (ORS) is responsible for ensuring researchers adhere to UBC’s various research policies. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with these policies.