
View the required UBC and FoM forms to be included in the change proposal package.

In order to process the change request, some or all of the following forms will be required to be completed. Click on the form titles below to download. The FoM Curriculum team will be able to provide guidance on the required forms for curriculum proposal submission.  

Required Documents for Submission by Proposal Type

Cat 2
Cat 1 
Cat 1
Cat 1
Change to Course or Program
(2-column) Form
Supplemental Information Form
Syllabi ☐*
Consultation Request Form
Library Consultation Form
Budgetary Impact Form
Non-Credit Proposal Form
Fee Proposal Template
Fee Approval Form
New Program Proposal
Concept Paper Template:
New Credit Programs
New Non-credit Programs
FoM Finance Curriculum
Change Consultation Form
Undergraduate Programs
Graduate Programs
New Courses
CIP 51 Pre-consultation Form​☐​☐​☐​☒**☒​
Student Tuition Consultation Form
Ministry of PSFS –  
Stage 1 Review Form

*Category 2 proposals require syllabi if to change a 6-credit course to two 3-credit courses without change in course content. Please include the 6-credit course syllabus and both new 3-credit course syllabi.

**CIP 51 Health Education Program Review is not typically required for non-credit micro-credentials, or non-credit letters. 

UBC-V Senate Required Documents

1. Change to Course or Program (2-column) Form

This form captures course information changes, updates and additions to the UBC Academic Calendar. Please fill out the fields on the form itself. The Senate Curriculum Guide provides helpful Examples of UBC Curriculum Proposal Form. A single form is used for multiple and all types of curriculum changes. 

2. Consultation Request Form

This form is for consulting colleagues, departments, schools, programs, and/or Faculties who may be affected by, or interested in, the proposed changes/creation. 

Consultation requests for consulting colleagues, and/or departments within UBC FoM typically take up to 4-6 weeks from time of submission to For consultation requests intended for UBC faculties and/or departments external to UBC FoM, please reach out to these faculties and/or departments directly.

3. Library Consultation Form

This form is used to indicate the adequacy of Library needs. The Library Consultants list is maintained on the UBC Library website. The approval of the University Librarian must be indicated on the Budgetary Impact of Curriculum Proposals form if the course cannot be supported with existing Library resources.

4. Budgetary Impact Form

The adequacy of the available resources to permit the proposal to be implemented must be indicated on the Budgetary Impact of Curriculum Change form. All Budgetary Impact of Curriculum Change forms must be signed by the Department Head (or equivalent) before they are submitted to FoM Curriculum. The form must also be signed by the Dean of the proposing unit; once a proposal has been endorsed by the Dean’s Executive Committee (DEX), FoM Curriculum will obtain the Dean’s signature.

If the Budgetary Impact of Curriculum Change form indicates that additional budget is required to implement the curriculum change, the signature of the Provost (or designate) is required, which FoM Curriculum will facilitate.

If the Library Consultation form indicates that additional Library resources are required to support the proposal, the signature of the University Librarian must be obtained on the Budgetary Impact of Curriculum Change form, which FoM Curriculum will facilitate.  

5. Supplemental Information Form – New Course

This form is for collecting administrative components of courses necessary for course creation. It must accompany all Category 1 new course proposals.

6. Non-Credit Proposal Template

This template is for collecting the information required to submit non-credit program certificate or non-credit program micro-certificate proposals.

Additional Forms for New Course/New Program/New Certificate Development

1. New Program Proposal Concept Paper Templates:
New Credit Programs, and New Non-credit Programs

These templates are provided by the UBC Provost and VP Academic as a resource for new academic-credit and non-credit program proposals concept development. The questions in these templates are intended to encourage proponents to think more deeply about the new academic-credit, or non-credit program they are proposing. 

Additional resources for new program programs are provided by the UBC Provost and VP Academic.

2. FoM Finance Curriculum Change Consultation Form: Undergraduate Programs, Graduate Programs, New Courses, and Micro-credentials

This form is designed to assist FoM Finance in generating a financial model for your new graduate, undergraduate program, new course, or micro-credential proposal. All types of proposals will involve FoM Finance’s review and endorsement on the proposal budget (if any). 

3. Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills CIP- 51 Health Review Pre-consultation Form & Review Documents (only for new degree programs, academic-credit certificates, and non-credit program certificates)

Completion of the CIP 51 pre-consultation form is required before initial government engagement with Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills (PSFS) in preparation of the CIP 51 Health Education Program Review process. This form is provided to help guide proponents in developing a proposal overview to share with the Director of Health Programs within the Ministry of PSFS. It is intended to help facilitate initial informal consultation prior to internal UBC approvals. This typically takes place at the inception stage of a new program creation (refer to Category 1 – New Programs Curriculum Pathway diagram). 

After the pre-consultation, and UBC review, the formal proposal will be submitted to the Ministry of PSFS, which will include:

  • A detailed program description
  • Evidence of institution capacity, student demand and clinical placement capacity
  • A summary of how the program will help meet labour market demand

4. Student Tuition Consultation Form (new degree programs only)

The Student Tuition Consultation process is intended to seek student/learner body feedback on proposed program tuition fees in preparation for UBC Board of Governors approval. This typically takes place concurrently as the FoM internal approval process. Refer to  Category 1 – New Programs Curriculum Pathway diagram.

5. Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills – Stage 1 Form (new degree programs only)

Formal Ministry of Post-Secondary and Future Skills review process for new degree programs. This may take place concurrently with the external approval process. Refer to Category 1 – New Programs Curriculum Pathway diagram.

The purpose of Stage 1 is to determine the need for a new degree program and to evaluate how it complements other programs currently offered in the BC post-secondary education system. Stage 1 applies to all post-secondary institutions seeking authority to grant a new degree program in BC. 

Additional Information for Non-credit Credentials

Non-credit credentials require the approval of the proposing Faculty (or Faculties), and UBC Extended Learning (ExL) if the certificate is a partnership between the Faculty and ExL, Senate Curriculum Committee, and Senate.

The authority to approve non-credit letters is delegated by Senate to the Faculties and UBC Extended Learning. Faculties and UBC Extended Learning may exercise the delegated authority to approve non-credit letters only where the requirements of this policy and any other applicable Senate policies are satisfied.

Post-secondary institutions in B.C. that plan to add or make substantial changes to health education programs are required to complete the CIP 51 Health Education Program Review (CIP 51) process, which is conducted by the Ministry of Post-Secondary and Future Skills. This includes non-credit program certificates (150+ learning hours); non-credit micro-certificates and non-credit letters are not typically required to undergo the Health Education Program Review process. 

Faculties and Extended Learning seeking to create a new non-credit credential must receive fee approval from the Office of the Provost and Vice-President Academic prior to launching their program. Once a proposal has been Faculty-approved, FoM Curriculum will submit the required documents to the Office of the Provost and Vice-President Academic to begin the fee approval process. FoM Curriculum will submit the following information to the Office of the Provost and Vice-President Academic:

  1. Copy of Senate proposal
  2. Completed fee proposal template
  3. Signed fee approval form

Additional resources for new non-credit (and academic-credit) program development, including the above fee approval forms, can be found via the UBC Provost and VP Academic.


Laura Gillis
Curriculum Coordinator
Office of the Vice Dean, Education