About the Teaching Tracking and Payment System

The Teaching Tracking and Payment system uses standard processes and tools for accurate and consistent tracking and reporting of clinical faculty teaching activities for both the UBC MD Undergraduate Program (MDUP) and the UBC Postgraduate Medical Education Program (PGME) . 

The goals of the TTPS are to: 

  • Strengthen our ability to coordinate across the MDUP and PGME programs by enabling more consistent administrative processes and improving information management. 
  • Ensure teaching payment information is accurate and accessible and that payments are traceable, resulting in increased faith in the tracking and payment process. 
  • Provide greater visibility into teaching activities so that faculty contributions can be recognized. 

TTPS Roles and Process Flow

Diagram highlighting the roles and process workflow in the Teaching Tracking and Payment System 

TTPS Activity Track States

Activity Track States Table – detailing track status, action pending by which role and definition. 

TTPS Support

All staff support requests related to the TTPS, including questions about the teaching tracking process, should be submitted to the TTP Business Support Analyst at ttp.support@ubc.ca.


Teaching Tracking and Payment Operations Working Group (TTP-OWG)


The Teaching Tracking and Payment Operations Working Group (TTP-OWG) guides the operations of teaching tracking and payment both in terms of business practices and processes in relation to the TTP system to ensure standardized and accurate teaching tracking and payment across the MD Undergraduate Program (MDUP) and the Postgraduate Medical Education Program (PGME).

Lines of Accountability & Communication

The TTP-OWG is accountable to the UBC Faculty of Medicine (FOM) Vice Dean Education Office (VDE) through the Managing Director, Faculty of Medicine and Senior Director, Education Programs and Services; this group will consult with and report to various education and operations committees for guidance and decisions, as appropriate. 


The TTP-OWG consists of administrative and operations staff across the MDUP and province with representation from the following groups:

MDUP Administrative Directors​FoM – Digital Solutions
​Capture Support​VDE Office
​Finance​Human Resources
​Senior Department Administrators​VFMP Departmental Managers
​Departmental Program Managers​MDUP Year 1 & 2 Program Assistants & Managers
PGME Program Assistants & Managers​MDUP Year 3 & 4 Program Assistants & Managers
MDUP Payment ManagersPGME Payment Managers