Fundamentals & Policies

TTP Fundamentals

Roles and Responsibilities

The Teaching Tracking and Payment system (TTPS) introduces new role-based activities for staff. The Roles and Responsibilities document details the purpose, function and responsibility for each role. It is important that role holders understand the role and accountability that they have in the system.

The TTP User Account Policy was developed to govern the TTPS user access, privileges, and account updates, and outlines standard account creation, maintenance and termination procedures.

Course and Activity Catalogue

A major feature of the TTPS is the course and activity catalogues for the MDUP and PGME Programs. Each catalogue was designed to provide clarity on activities and activity variants so that they are tracked consistently throughout the MDUP and PGME Programs. In each catalogue table there is an “items tracked” column that describes the type of teaching events that should be tracked as variants. The activities and their associated payment amounts are derived directly from the Clinical Faculty Compensation Terms. 

MDUP TTPS Course & Activity Catalogue

PGME TTPS Activity Catalogue

System Timelines

The teaching tracking and payment system and processes follow quarterly timelines and periods for each step in the track to pay process – 

Quarter 1 – Quarter 4, April 1 2024 to March 31, 2025 


The following policies have been considered in developing the TTPS:

All FOM MDUP & PGME program staff are expected to be familiar with the Compensation Terms; and all employees are expected to be familiar with Policy SC14 as well as any institutional policies applicable to their site/department.

Clinical Faculty Appointments

Accreditation standards require all teachers who are assigned teaching sessions to have a faculty appointment with UBC. Clinical faculty appointments, full faculty appointments and honorary/adjunct appointments are the most commonly used types for teachers in the UBC FoM MD Undergraduate Program (MDUP) and Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME) programs. 

It is essential for all clinical faculty teaching to have an active UBC appointment. For further information on this process please visit the Clinical Faculty Appointment Policy & Compensation Terms on the Clinical Faculty website.

Clinical Faculty Policies & Interpreting the Compensation Terms

The Becoming Clinical Faculty page contains the policies related to becoming a clinical faculty member. The policy on clinical faculty appointments describes the appointment, reappointment, and promotion of clinical faculty in the FOM. Each department and school has its own Clinical Faculty Appointment and Promotion Committee, which will deliberate and make recommendations on the appointment, reappointment and promotion of clinical faculty.

For appointed clinical faculty, the UBC Faculty of Medicine Clinical Faculty Compensation Terms sets out the terms and conditions that govern compensation for certain teaching services provided by clinical faculty in the MDUP and PGME Programs in the UBC FOM. These terms define the unit rate and all compensable teaching activities. It is critical that the Compensation Terms are interpreted in the same way across all departments and sites. The Course and Activity Catalogue was created to align with the Compensation Terms, and map the teaching that take place to the activities listed in the TTPS and the Compensation Terms.

Payment Eligibility

The Compensation Terms govern which activities are eligible for payment. Clinical faculty are paid in accordance with the compensation terms and their payment arrangement(s) as a physician. The Clinical Faculty Payment Arrangements table lists the various types of payment arrangements that are included within the TTPS and the associated payment eligibility. Clinical faculty indicate their payment arrangement(s) to their appointing department as part of the application process and this information is captured in their TTPS profile and will  automatically determine their payment eligibility. 

It is important to ensure that program staff understand the implications within the TTPSof each of the payment arrangement types. For example, all of the clinical faculty whose payment arrangement is “Salaried by Health Authority” in the TTPS will not be eligible for payments for Teaching with Patient Care (TwPC) or Teaching without Patient Care (TwoPC). Tracking of all teaching activities is required, however the TTPS will determine payment amounts based on clinical faculty payment eligibility. 

Clinical Faculty Payment Arrangements

A payment arrangement is an agreement between a person and the Health Authority or Ministry of Health for payment of delivery of clinical services, which sometimes includes teaching with patient care and teaching without patient care.

The table below details the different types of payment arrangements and what that usually means for the clinical faculty members eligibility for payment under Teaching without Patient Care (TwoPC) or Teaching with Patient Care (TwPC) activities.

Payment Arrangement



Fee for Service



Clinical Service Contract



​Sessional (Alternate Funding Plan)



​Clinical Academic Service Contract



​Salaried by Health Authority*



​Other: Compensable



​Other: Non-compensable



*Exceptions may apply for certain health authority arrangements.

When a clinical faculty member’s payment arrangement is Fee for Service that individual is eligible for payment for all teaching activities they undertake be it Teaching with or without Patient Care.

If a clinical faculty member is on a Clinical Service Contract they are eligible to be paid for Teaching without Patient Care activities through TTP but all Teaching with Patient Care activities they perform are already included in the payment received through this Clinical Service Contract.

Please see the TTPS Payment Arrangement Guidelines for information on payment arrangement comments and templates. All payment arrangement comments in TTPS should follow the templates to ensure comments are standardized and provide clear instructions to Activity Trackers.