
Information about the renewed curriculum and the Educational Activity form.

Curriculum Renewal

The MD Undergraduate curriculum was renewed in 2015 with the goal to ensure that our program produces graduates who can meet the current and future health care needs of British Columbians. The renewed curriculum is a competency-based curriculum that contains longer integrated courses that developmentally spiral concepts over four years. These foundational concepts (i.e., themes, systems and clinical experiences) will be revisited, reinforced, and built upon to produce MD graduates who will meet not only the current health care needs but also those of the future.

The renewed MDUP curriculum is also using a programmatic assessment approach, which ensures students are meeting required competencies and identifies students earlier who may need additional attention, while not over-assessing.

Educational Activity Form

The online Educational Activity forms are designed to provide an overview of each educational session within the MD Undergraduate Program, as a high level index of educational activities.

For each educational session, the Faculty of Medicine blueprints information through the Educational Activity (EA) form to document what, how and when a particular topic is being taught.  This builds a comprehensive curricular database across the MDUP provincial program and supports the accreditation process. 

It is crucial that the learning objectives listed in the EA form are covered by the material presented during your session.  Additional content can be included as you see fit, but the priority must be achieving session objectives. The EA form for each individual session will be sent to you by your program assistant.

Please note that you are no longer required to make updates to the EA form, as this has been done for you by Course Leadership.

For additional information on Educational Activity forms, please visit the Curriculum Management section.