Explore more updates, events & opportunities from across the Faculty & UBC.
New faculty professional development opportunities
See upcoming teaching & learning workshops & resources from the CTLT.
Submit your tuition waiver for 2024 summer session credit courses
Submit summer session tuition waivers by July 31.
Healthy Aging Visual Art Prize
Submit a visual artwork by Sep. 30.
Clinical Faculty Mentoring Program
Apply as a mentee or mentor by July 31.
Resources to be prepared during wildfire season
Explore resources to be prepared in the event of extreme heat, wildfires & smoky weather.
Dr. Joseph Anthony reappointed as Associate Dean, Health Professions
A message from Dermot Kelleher, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Vice-President, Health and Roger Wong, Vice Dean, Education.
Dr. Paul Winwood extended as Regional Associate Dean, Northern B.C.
A message from Dermot Kelleher, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Vice-President, Health and Roger Wong, Vice Dean, Education.
Dr. Bruce Wright extended as Regional Associate Dean, Vancouver Island, UBC Medicine & Head, Division of Medical Sciences, University of Victoria
A message from Dermot Kelleher, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Vice-President, Health and Roger Wong, Vice Dean, Education.
Anesthesiology, Pharmacology & Therapeutics: Department Head Candidate presentations
Register to join the online presentations.
Climate+Water Research Symposium
Join the symposium at UBCO April 9 & UBCV April 10.
Health After 2020: Facilitating equitable access to palliative & end-of-life care for underserved populations
Register to join the virtual events April 2–16.
Celebrate Learning Week: Call for contributions
Submit a session proposal by March 31.
Partnering in Research conference
Register to join the June 12 event at UBC Robson Square.
Audiology & Speech Sciences: School Director candidate presentation
Register to join the presentation online or in-person on March 6.
UBC Connects | Exploring 21st Century Fertility Law
Register to join the discussion on March 10.
Celebrate Pink Shirt Day on Feb. 26
Wear a pink shirt, download a Zoom background & access resources.
Beyond 75: Vancouver rescheduled to April 23
Registrations have been carried over to the new date.
Disability in the Workplace: Register for an interactive workshop
Register for an upcoming workshop date.
Healthy Workplace Initiatives Program funding
Promote wellbeing in your workplace, apply by April 7.
Solutions Scholars Program
Submit a notice of intent by Feb. 28.
Canada Excellence Research Chairs: Call for nominations
Register intent to nominate by March 5.
Continuous Learning Advancement Fund
Submit a letter of intent for a UBCV non-credit learning opportunity by May 8.
Marion Spencer Fay Award 2025: Call for nominations
Submit nominations by March 28.
President’s awards for staff: Call for nominations
Faculty & staff are invited to nominate staff colleagues by 4 pm on March 28.
Emerging Media Lab projects: Call for proposals
UBCV faculty, submit a proposal for by March 15.
Medical Council of Canada (MCC) Awards 2025
Apply by April 30, 2025
Wall Fellowships & Research Awards
Submit a notice of intent by Feb. 24.
Dr. Darryl Knight reappointed Associate Dean, Research, Providence Health Care Research Institute
A message from Robert McMaster, Vice Dean, Research and Fiona Dalton, President & CEO, Providence Health Care.
Community Update from Dean Dermot Kelleher
A message from Dermot Kelleher, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Vice-President, Health, UBC As we enter a new year and a new winter term, we find ourselves in the midst of a significant transformational change in the global pandemic. While conditions remain serious right now, there is growing optimism that better days lay ahead. Despite…