Explore more updates, events & opportunities from across the Faculty & UBC.
Apply for a Move UBC Grant
Up to $1500 available for projects that support the wellbeing of our community by moving more.
Submit your benefits claims before year-end deadlines
Take advantage of your annual plan maximums before they reset.
Cheque mailing disruption: Canada Post strike
UBC Finance advise that cheque delivery to employees & suppliers has been impacted.
UBC Medicine researchers among new and renewed Canada Research Chairs
Congratulations to the six UBC Medicine new & renewed Canada Research Chairs.
Transgender Day of Remembrance, Nov. 20: Events & resources at UBC
See UBC events & resources for Trans Awareness Week & Trans Day of Remembrance.
Japan Prize 2026: Call for nominations
Submit full nomination packages by Jan. 10, 2025.
Cross-Institutional Collaborations to Address the Unregulated Drug Crisis
Register to join the panel session on Nov. 26.
West Coast Teaching Excellence Awards
Nominate by 3 pm on Nov. 28.
Health Research BC Research Trainee program
Submit a letter of intent by Dec. 12.
Celebrate Learning Week: Call for contributions
Submit a session proposal by March 31.
Partnering in Research conference
Register to join the June 12 event at UBC Robson Square.
Audiology & Speech Sciences: School Director candidate presentation
Register to join the presentation online or in-person on March 6.
UBC Connects | Exploring 21st Century Fertility Law
Register to join the discussion on March 10.
Celebrate Pink Shirt Day on Feb. 26
Wear a pink shirt, download a Zoom background & access resources.
Beyond 75: Vancouver rescheduled to April 23
Registrations have been carried over to the new date.
Disability in the Workplace: Register for an interactive workshop
Register for an upcoming workshop date.
Climate Emergency Week at UBC
Join events, workshops, and activities Feb. 10–14.
Bridging Research & Action
Register to attend the hybrid event May 15–16.
Health After 2020: Call for proposals
Apply for up to $10,000 funding per research team by Nov. 15, 2023.
Open educational resource (OER) grants
UBCV faculty & staff: Attend an information session & submit a proposal.
UBC Health Awards: Call for nominations
Submit nominations by Nov. 10.
Clinical Trials BC Awards 2024
Submit nominations by Dec. 10.
Small Teaching & Learning Enhancement Fund Innovation projects
Submit proposals by 3 pm on Nov. 16.
King Faisal Prize in Medicine 2025: Call for nominations
Submit nomination packages for internal review by March 15, 2024.
Fall wellbeing events & funding
Join a UBCV or UBCO campus walk, plan an event for Thrive Month, & apply for a Move UBC Grant.
Campus as a Living Lab Grand Challenge
Attend the Sep. 11 information session, & submit a notice of intent by Sep. 28.
Community-University Engagement Support Fund
Attend the Sep. 14 info session, & submit a Notice of Intent by Sep. 22.
Dr. Darryl Knight reappointed Associate Dean, Research, Providence Health Care Research Institute
A message from Robert McMaster, Vice Dean, Research and Fiona Dalton, President & CEO, Providence Health Care.
Dr. Hugh Kim appointed Director, Centre for Blood Research
A message from Robert McMaster and Teresa Tsang.
Dr. Jason Sutherland appointed Director, Centre for Health Services & Policy Research
A message from Robert McMaster, Vice Dean, Research.
Faculty of Medicine Awards 2023: Update to staff awards
A message from Chris Lovato, Vice-Dean, Academic.
2023 Faculty of Medicine Awards nominations
Submit nominations by Friday, June 9.
Distinguished Achievement Awards 2023: Call for nominations
Nominations must be made by department heads or school directors by April 14, 2023.
Introducing the new Faculty of Medicine IT Governance & Security Policy
The Faculty of Medicine has developed & approved this policy to reduce risk to the Faculty, UBC & our Health Authority partners who host academic activities.
It Starts with Us: Contextualizing and Educating about the Holocaust on Jan. 25
Register for the Jan. 25 event, hosted by the REDI office & the Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre.
Community update from Dean Dermot Kelleher
An end-of-year message from Dermot Kelleher, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Vice-President, Health, UBC.
Launch of refreshed MedNet website
I am pleased to announce the launch of the new, refreshed MedNet faculty and staff website.
Academic Renewal Update | Round 2
See the six successful proposals from the second round of our Academic Renewal competition.
Register for the Full Faculty Meeting, Nov. 15
Registration is required, register online by 4:15 pm on Nov. 15.