Explore more updates, events & opportunities from across the Faculty & UBC.
Keep your Zoom sessions secure
Read guidelines to prevent ‘Zoom bombing’.
Healthy Workplace Initiatives Program funding
Promote wellbeing in your workplace, apply by April 19.
CMHF Induction Ceremony 2024
Purchase your ticket by April 3.
International Congress on Academic Medicine 2024
Register to join the event April 12–15.
Emerging Media Lab projects: Call for proposals
UBCV faculty, submit a proposal by March 15.
Changes to study permits for international students
Following the Jan. 22 federal government announcement, find updated information for students.
Celebrate Learning Week: Call for contributions
Submit a session proposal by March 28.
UBC recognized as one of Canada’s Best Diversity Employers in 2024
This designation recognizes exceptional workplace diversity & inclusiveness programs.
Distinguished Achievement Awards 2024: Call for nominations
Nominations must be made by department heads or school directors by April 12.
Health After 2020: Facilitating equitable access to palliative & end-of-life care for underserved populations
Register to join the virtual events April 2–16.
Celebrate Learning Week: Call for contributions
Submit a session proposal by March 31.
Partnering in Research conference
Register to join the June 12 event at UBC Robson Square.
Audiology & Speech Sciences: School Director candidate presentation
Register to join the presentation online or in-person on March 6.
UBC Connects | Exploring 21st Century Fertility Law
Register to join the discussion on March 10.
Celebrate Pink Shirt Day on Feb. 26
Wear a pink shirt, download a Zoom background & access resources.
Beyond 75: Vancouver rescheduled to April 23
Registrations have been carried over to the new date.
Disability in the Workplace: Register for an interactive workshop
Register for an upcoming workshop date.
Climate Emergency Week at UBC
Join events, workshops, and activities Feb. 10–14.
Healthy Workplace Initiatives Program funding
Promote wellbeing in your workplace, apply by April 7.
Solutions Scholars Program
Submit a notice of intent by Feb. 28.
Canada Excellence Research Chairs: Call for nominations
Register intent to nominate by March 5.
Continuous Learning Advancement Fund
Submit a letter of intent for a UBCV non-credit learning opportunity by May 8.
Marion Spencer Fay Award 2025: Call for nominations
Submit nominations by March 28.
President’s awards for staff: Call for nominations
Faculty & staff are invited to nominate staff colleagues by 4 pm on March 28.
Emerging Media Lab projects: Call for proposals
UBCV faculty, submit a proposal for by March 15.
Medical Council of Canada (MCC) Awards 2025
Apply by April 30, 2025
Wall Fellowships & Research Awards
Submit a notice of intent by Feb. 24.
Dr. Mieke Koehoorn appointed Vice Dean, Academic Affairs
A message from Dermot Kelleher, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Vice-President, Health.
Dr. Peter Zandstra reappointed Director, School of Biomedical Engineering
A message from Dermot Kelleher, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Vice-President, Health.
Dr. Peter Choi appointed interim Head, Department of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology & Therapeutics
A message from Dermot Kelleher, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Vice-President, Health.
Dr. Paola Colozzo appointed interim Director, School of Audiology & Speech Sciences
A message from Dermot Kelleher, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Vice-President, Health.
Derek Thompson – Thlaapkiituup appointed Director, Indigenous Engagement
A message from Mike Allard, Vice Dean, Health Engagement.
Dr. Quynh Doan appointed Associate Dean, Research, BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute, UBC Faculty of Medicine & Senior Executive Director, BCCHR
A message from Robert McMaster and Jana Davidson.
Dr. Amy Salmon appointed Director, Clinical Faculty Affairs
A message from Mike Allard, Vice-Dean, Health Engagement and Shanda Jordan Gaetz, Managing Director.
Dr. Ravinder Dennis Bhui appointed Associate Director, Clinical Faculty Affairs
A message from Mike Allard, Vice-Dean, Health Engagement and Shanda Jordan Gaetz, Managing Director.
Dr. Shahin Shirzad extended as Assistant Dean, MD Admissions
A message from Roger Wong, Vice Dean, Education.
Work(place) Evolution: Shaping the future of work at the Faculty of Medicine
A message from Dermot Kelleher, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Vice-President, Health, UBC.
Update on the Central Okanagan wildfire situation
A message from Mike Allard, Acting Dean and Dermot Kelleher, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Vice-President, Health, UBC.
Dr. Mieke Koehoorn appointed Vice Dean, Academic Affairs
A message from Dermot Kelleher, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Vice-President, Health.
Strategic Investment Fund: Call for proposals
Submit your proposal to the 2023 competition by September 11.
Future-proofing health in a changing climate: Read our latest edition of Pathways
Dean Dermot Kelleher launches the latest edition of Pathways magazine.
Community update from Dean Dermot Kelleher
An end-of-academic year message from Dermot Kelleher, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Vice-President, Health, UBC.
Derek Thompson – Thlaapkiituup appointed Director, Indigenous Engagement
A message from Mike Allard, Vice Dean, Health Engagement.
Edwin S.H. Leong Centre for Healthy Aging formally designated a Faculty of Medicine research centre
A message from Robert McMaster, Vice Dean, Research.
Respectful Environments Survey 2023
Have your say, complete the survey by Friday, June 30.