Explore more updates, events & opportunities from across the Faculty & UBC.
Distinguished Achievement Awards 2025: Call for nominations
Nominations must be made by department heads or school directors by April 12.
Partnering in Research conference
Register to join the June 12 event at UBC Robson Square.
Audiology & Speech Sciences: School Director candidate presentation
Register to join the presentation online or in-person on March 6.
Building brand & reputation across B.C., Canada & beyond
How the Office of Creative & Communications is bringing Faculty of Medicine stories to the world — and building awareness among our most important audiences.
2024 tax information: T4/T4A tax statements now available
2024 tax slips are now available for download from Workday.
Solutions Scholars Program
Submit a notice of intent by Feb. 28.
UBC Connects | Exploring 21st Century Fertility Law
Register to join the discussion on March 10.
Register now: Join an online focus group on healthy research environments in the Faculty of Medicine
Healthy Environments in Academic Research Teams (HEART) is a new program developed by the Graduate and Postdoctoral Education Office that aims to equip Faculty of Medicine research teams to thrive. HEART want to hear your thoughts on what makes a healthy research culture in the Faculty of Medicine, and shape a program that can create…
Join us for the Indigenous Speaker Series: Diagnosing Truth, Healing and Conciliation Inside BC Health Care Systems
Register for the Monday, Oct. 17 event, hosted by the REDI office.
Celebrate Academic Integrity Week, Oct. 17–21
Join the Academic Integrity Hub for Academic Integrity Week October 17–21, 2022, promoting academic integrity at UBC and beyond. Explore a range of events and resources, including Take Five for Integrity — an in-class awareness campaign supported with materials for instructors and in-class presentations from staff and students.
Register now: REDI Virtual Symposium on May 25
An invitation from the Office of Respectful Environments, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. Registration is now open for the Office of Respectful Environments, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (REDI) inaugural virtual symposium: “Race Ideology: Historical Perspectives, Current Realities and Re-imagining the Future.” Please note the event will be recorded. When: Wednesday, May 25, 2022 Time: 8:30 am–1 pm Why should you…
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Seed Program
Apply to the program by May 22.
UBCO Staff Awards of Excellence: Call for nominations
UBCO faculty, staff & students are invited to nominate staff by May 31.
Sustainability Education Grants
UBC Vancouver faculty, apply by May 14.
Run a Global Seminar & take your course abroad
Submit a proposal to run a 2024 Global Seminar by June 30.
2023 Faculty of Medicine Awards nominations
Submit nominations by Friday, June 9.
CIEBH Town Hall
Join online on April 5 to learn more about the CBRF-BRIF competition.
Healthy Workplace Initiatives Fund Program
Promote wellbeing in your workplace, apply by April 14.
Public Scholars Initiative: New Health Equity Stream
Doctoral students can apply for the 2023/24 cohort by May 12.
Honorary Medical Alumni Award: Call for nominations
UBC medical alumni are invited to make a nomination by March 16.
Dr. Darryl Knight reappointed Associate Dean, Research, Providence Health Care Research Institute
A message from Robert McMaster, Vice Dean, Research and Fiona Dalton, President & CEO, Providence Health Care.
Dr. Hugh Kim appointed Director, Centre for Blood Research
A message from Robert McMaster and Teresa Tsang.
Dr. Jason Sutherland appointed Director, Centre for Health Services & Policy Research
A message from Robert McMaster, Vice Dean, Research.
Dr. Anita Palepu reappointed Head, Department of Medicine
A message from Dermot Kelleher, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Vice-President, Health, UBC.
Faculty of Medicine Awards 2023: Update to staff awards
A message from Chris Lovato, Vice-Dean, Academic.
2023 Faculty of Medicine Awards nominations
Submit nominations by Friday, June 9.
Distinguished Achievement Awards 2023: Call for nominations
Nominations must be made by department heads or school directors by April 14, 2023.
Introducing the new Faculty of Medicine IT Governance & Security Policy
The Faculty of Medicine has developed & approved this policy to reduce risk to the Faculty, UBC & our Health Authority partners who host academic activities.
It Starts with Us: Contextualizing and Educating about the Holocaust on Jan. 25
Register for the Jan. 25 event, hosted by the REDI office & the Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre.
Community update from Dean Dermot Kelleher
An end-of-year message from Dermot Kelleher, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Vice-President, Health, UBC.
Launch of refreshed MedNet website
I am pleased to announce the launch of the new, refreshed MedNet faculty and staff website.
Academic Renewal Update | Round 2
See the six successful proposals from the second round of our Academic Renewal competition.
Register for the Full Faculty Meeting, Nov. 15
Registration is required, register online by 4:15 pm on Nov. 15.