Recognition Opportunities

Learn about faculty and staff awards and recognition in the Faculty of Medicine and UBC.

Faculty of Medicine Awards

Applegarth Staff Service Awards
DescriptionThe Faculty of Medicine Applegarth Staff Service Awards are annual awards recognizing outstanding contributions by UBC staff members to the Faculty of Medicine. The awards consist of a plaque and $1000 each to three Faculty of Medicine employees – one to a secretarial/clerical support staff recipient, one to a management/professional recipient and one to a non-union technician or research assistant recipient.
DeadlineFriday, June 14, 2024 at 4:00 pm
More InfoNomination Overview
Nomination Form
Reference Form
List of Previous Recipients
Dean’s Staff Awards
DescriptionThe Faculty of Medicine Dean’s Staff Awards honour exceptional staff contributions in specific areas that are important to the Faculty of Medicine. All nominees should have demonstrated a strong commitment to living the Faculty of Medicine values of respect, integrity, compassion, collaboration, and equity. The awards consist of a plaque and $1000 for each individual recipient/team. Three categories are available:

-Leadership (for individuals)
-Respectful Environment, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (for individuals or teams)
-Creativity/Innovation (for individuals or teams)
DeadlineFriday, June 14, 2024 at 4:00 pm
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Nomination Form
Reference Form
List of Previous Recipients
Awards for Excellence in Mentoring Early Career Faculty​
DescriptionThe award recognizes faculty members who have formally been identified as mentors and who exemplify a deep commitment to fostering the professional and personal development of faculty members in the early stages of their academic careers. Up to three $1,000 cash awards are available.​
DeadlineFriday, June 14, 2024 at 4:00 pm
More InfoNomination Overview
 Nomination Form
List of Previous Recipients
Clinical Faculty Award for Excellence in Clinical Teaching
DescriptionThe Clinical Faculty Award for Excellence in Clinical Teaching recognizes Clinical Faculty members who have demonstrated excellence in clinical teaching. Each distributed region will be represented. Six awards are available. Each award consists of a financial prize of $1,000.
DeadlineFriday, June 14, 2024 at 4:00 pm
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Nomination Form
List of Previous Recipients
Clinical Faculty Award for Excellence in Leadership/Service
DescriptionThe Clinical Faculty Award for Excellence in Leadership/Service recognizes Clinical Faculty members who have demonstrated excellence in leadership or service with the Faculty of Medicine. Each award consists of a financial prize of $1,000.​
DeadlineFriday, June 14, 2024 at 4:00 pm
More InfoNomination Overview 
Nomination Form
List of Previous Recipients
Clinical Faculty Award for Excellence in Mentorship​
DescriptionThe Clinical Faculty Award for Excellence in Mentorship recognizes Clinical Faculty members who have demonstrated excellence in mentorship within their position with the Faculty of Medicine. Each award consists of a financial prize of $1000.​
DeadlineFriday, June 14, 2024 at 4:00 pm
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Nomination Form
List of Previous Recipients
Clinical Faculty Award for Excellence in Research​
DescriptionThe Clinical Faculty Award for Excellence in Research (Clinical or Applied) recognizes Clinical Faculty members who have demonstrated excellence in research within their clinical faculty position with the Faculty of Medicine. Each award consists of a financial prize of $1000.​
DeadlineFriday, June 14, 2024 at 4:00 pm
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Nomination Form
List of Previous Recipients
Clinical Faculty Award for Excellence in Advancing Equity, Diversity, and Inclusiveness​
DescriptionThe Clinical Faculty Award for Excellence in Advancing EDI recognizes Clinical Faculty members who have demonstrated excellence in the area of EDI through research, teaching or service with the Faculty of Medicine. Each award consists of a financial prize of $1000.​
DeadlineFriday, June 14, 2024 at 4:00 pm
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Nomination Form
List of Previous Recipients
Bill and Marilyn Webber Lifetime Achievement Award​
DescriptionRecognizes extraordinary members of the Faculty of Medicine who have had sustained distinguished careers at UBC in the areas of research, teaching and/or service.​
DeadlineFriday, June 14, 2024 at 4:00 pm
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Nomination Form
Reference Form
List of Previous Recipients
Distinguished Achievement Awards​
DescriptionRecognize individuals whose performance during an assessment period (January 1 to December 31) was particularly meritorious. Faculty members will be selected at an annual meeting of Department Heads/School Directors to receive additional merit as a Faculty of Medicine award. Up to 16 awards in total may be made each year.​
NominationNominations are only made by Department Heads or School Directors of the Faculty of Medicine​
DeadlineFriday, April 12, 2024 at 4:00 pm
More InfoCriteria and Process
Nomination Form
List of Previous Recipients
Distinguished Service to CME-CPD Award​
DescriptionPresented annually to any individual affiliated with the UBC Faculty of Medicine in recognition of substantial long-term contributions to Continuing Professional Development/Continuing Medical Education in the Faculty of Medicine. Award recipients receive an honorarium of $1,000.
DeadlineFriday, June 14, 2024
Please see UBC CPD page for more information.
​Innovation in CME-CPD Award ​
DescriptionPresented annually to any individual, a group or an organization or a specific Continuing Medical Education/ Continuing Professional Development program affiliated with the Faculty of Medicine in recognition of outstanding innovation and/or creativity with original work in the area of CME/CPD programming.​ Award recipients receive an honorarium of $1,000.
DeadlineFriday, June 14, 2024
Please see UBC CPD page for more information.
Faculty of Medicine Long Service Recognition – Faculty
DescriptionFaculty are recognized for Long Service Contributions to the Faculty of Medicine (at least 20 years) with a congratulatory letter and small gift provided by the Dean’s Office. Presentations are made by the respective Department Head or School Director at an appropriate department/school event. In addition, the UBC Quarter Century Club, coordinated by UBC Ceremonies, holds a dinner each year to recognize full-time faculty members and librarians with 25 or 35 years of service and to present new inductees with a pin and gifts.
ContactEmail the Dean’s Office for further information. ​
Faculty of Medicine Long Service Recognition – Staff
DescriptionStaff are recognized for Long Service Contributions to the Faculty of Medicine (at least 20 years) with a congratulatory letter and small gift provided by the Dean’s Office. Presentations are made by the respective Department Head or School Director at an appropriate department/school event.​

In addition, the UBC 25 Year Club, coordinated by UBC Ceremonies, holds a dinner each year to recognize full-time staff members with 25, 35 years or 40 years of service and to present new members with gifts and certificates.
ContactEmail the Dean’s Office for further information. ​
Awards Report
DescriptionThe FoM Annual Awards Report, which is posted on the web each Fall, includes the names of faculty and staff members who have been the recipients during the previous calendar year of an external award that meets the criteria for inclusion.
Reports2022 Annual Awards & Significant Honours Report
2021 Annual Awards & Significant Honours Report
2020 Annual Awards & Significant Honours Report
2019 Annual Awards & Significant Honours Report
2018 Annual Awards & Significant Honours Report
2017 Annual Awards & Significant Honours Report
2016 Annual Awards & Significant Honours Report
2015 Annual Awards & Significant Honours Report
2014 Annual Awards & Significant Honours Report
2013 Annual Awards & Significant Honours Report
2012 Annual Awards Report
2011 Annual Awards Report
ContactEmail the Dean’s Office for further information. ​

Awards with Faculty of Medicine Internal Deadlines  

UBC Killam Teaching Prizes
Description​These awards, adjudicated within each Faculty and recognized university-wide, are open to all full-time, part-time, or clinical faculty members who have demonstrated sustained teaching excellence over a period of at least 10 years. Awards will be made in recognition of sustained scholarly achievement in teaching within the full range of instructional activities (classroom teaching, clinical teaching, supervision of graduate students, laboratory teaching etc.).​
DeadlinesFoM internal deadline: February 1, 2024 at 12:00pm
UBC deadline: March 2024
More Info​UBC Office of the Provost & VP Academic
Killam Teaching Prizes 2024 Overview
Killam Teaching Prizes 2024 Previous Recipients
Killam Teaching Prizes Nomination Form
UBC Teaching & Learning Enhancement Fund
Description​Created to fund ideas, programs etc., that demonstrate enhancement of teaching and learning that benefits a significant number of students directly (e.g. curriculum, services, resources) and/or indirectly (e.g. training of faculty and staff in new learning technologies)​
​Deadlines​FoM internal deadline: TBD
UBC deadline: TBD
More Info​UBC Teaching & Learning Enhancement Fund
Call for Applications
Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada (AFMC) Awards​
Description​The following AFMC awards recognize excellence in Canadian medical faculties relating to medical education:

AFMC Administration Award
AFMC Award for Outstanding Contribution to Faculty Development in Canada
AFMC Charles Boelen International Social Accountability Award
AFMC Clinical Teacher Award
AFMC Clinician-Scientist Award
AFMC Gold Humanism Award and Lecture
AFMC Indigenous Health Advocacy Lifetime Contribution Award
AFMC Indigenous Health Advocacy Emerging Leader Award
AFMC Indigenous Health Advocacy Learner Award
AFMC John Ruedy Award for Innovation in Medical Education
AFMC John Ruedy Award for Excellence in Graduate Health professions Education Scholarship
AFMC Learner Changemaker Awards
AFMC May Cohen Equity, Diversity and Gender Award
AFMC Mentorship Award
AFMC President’s Award for Exemplary National Leadership in Academic Medicine
AFMC Scientist Award
AFMC Wellness Award
AFMC Young Educators Award

Find the description of each award here.
Deadlines:​FoM Internal deadline: September 6, 2024
AFMC deadline: October 13, 2024
More Info​Association of Faculty of Medicine of Canada
Canadian Associate of Medical Education (CAME) – Certificate of Merit Award ​
Description​The objective of the Award is to promote, recognize and reward faculty committed to medical education in Canadian medical schools, and to promote CAME within these schools. The CAME Certificate of Merit Award consists of a certificate and the opportunity to write an article for the CAME Voice. The names of the awardees will be announced during the CAME annual business meeting.
Deadlines:​FoM Internal deadline: November 14, 2021 at 12:00pm
CAME deadline: December 10, 2021
More Info​CAME 2022 Certificate of Excellence –  Call for Nominations
CAME 2022 Certificate of Excellence – Nomination Form
NEW: Canadian Associate of Medical Education (CAME) Rising Star – Certificate of Excellence Award ​
Description​The objective of the Award is to recognize learners who have demonstrated a commitment and/or passion for medical education. This could be education research, curriculum or workshop development, leadership, advocacy, etc., that has had a positive impact on the health professions education community at their school or beyond.
Deadlines:​FoM Internal deadline: November 14, 2021 at 12:00pm
CAME deadline: December 10, 2021
More Info​CAME 2022 Certificate of Excellence –  Call for Nominations
CAME 2022 Certificate of Excellence – Nomination Form

Other University of British Columbia Awards

John McNeill Excellence in Health Research Mentorship Award
Description​This prestigious award for Excellence in Health Research Mentorship recognizes outstanding mentorship by faculty members at any stage in their academic career in any of UBC’s health-related disciplines and who have served a minimum of 2 continuous years at UBC’s Vancouver Campus.  An award of $10,000 and a commenorative certificate will be presented to the recipient in the fall of each year by the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, in honour of Dean Emeritus John McNeill.
​Deadlines:FoM Internal Deadline: November 3, 2023
UBC Health Deadline: November 10, 2023
More info​Nomination Overview
UBC 25 Year Club ​
Description​The UBC 25 Year Club recognizes staff with 25 years of uninterrupted or accumulated service. An annual dinner is held each May for all members, where new inductees are presented with gifts and a certificate from the University.​
​More info​Further information is available on the UBC website.
UBC Health Office
Description​The following UBC Health awards are open to health educators, professionals and community partners in health who have made significant contributions to the advancement of healthcare education and practice.  Nominees may be from or outside of the University of British Columbia:

John F. McCreary Prize for Interprofessional Teamwork
Award for Excellence in Interprofessional Education Teaching
Practice Education Award
Award for Outstanding Leadership in Advancing Interprofessional Professional Development
R. Paul Kerston Community Educator Award
​Deadline:Nominations not yet open
More Info​UBC Health
UBC President’s Staff Award​ ​
Description​The top award presented to UBC Staff in recognition of excellence in personal achievements and contributions to UBC and to the vision and goals of the University. Up to five awards may be given in one year. Each recipient receives a gold medal, $5,000, and a certificate. Awards are presented during Congregation ceremonies (Vancouver) and Convocation ceremonies (Okanagan). ​
More Info​Further information is available on the Focus on People website.
UBC President’s Staff Award​ ​
Description​The President’s Staff Award, consisting of a certificate of recognition and $2,000 for each recipient, is presented to recognize personal achievements and contributions of staff to UBC and to the vision and goals of the Universty in five categories: Leadership and Creativity, Enhancing the UBC Experience, Global Citizenship, Emerging Leadership, Advancing Diversity and Inclusion. ​
More info​Further information is available on the Focus on People website. ​

Learn more about UBC recognition programs and awards for staff members on the Focus on People website.