Emeritus Recommendations for Clinical Faculty

Emeritus status is a life-time honourable recognition of long service and contribution to the University. 

UBC Senate Criteria

Individuals holding Clinical appointments in the Faculty of Medicine, and those holding Clinical or equivalent Honorary or Adjunct appointments in other Faculties, may be eligible for emeritus status at the time of retirement from active University service if they are recommended by their Deans and Departments and meet the following criteria: 

  • have at least 15 years of continuous service;
  • hold the rank of Clinical Associate Professor or Clinical Professor or demonstrate a scholarly record that has been reviewed at the Department and Faculty levels according to established university procedures for the equivalent level; and, 
  • demonstrate service that is strongly identified with the University of British Columbia and deemed worthy of continuing recognition.

 Further information can be found in the UBC Senate Policy on Emeritus Status.

FOM Guidelines

An emeritus appointment is an honorable recognition of long service and contributions to the Faculty of Medicine and it is not automatic.  Where a Clinical Faculty member has completed 15 continuous years of service at the time of retirement from active University service, and where the Faculty member’s service is strongly identified with the University of British Columbia and deemed worthy of continuing recognition, a recommendation for awarding the title of Emeritus may be made by the Dean to the Tributes Committee and ultimately to Senate on the recommendation of the Head/Director.  Each case will be decided on its individual merit. Initiation of this process may be by the appropriate Division Head, University Department Head or School Director and would require approval of the Departmental Committee on Appointments and Promotions.  


The Senate Tributes Committee considers emeritus recommendations in advance of the May and December UBC Senate meetings.  Therefore, the Faculty of Medicine submission deadline for emeritus nominations is normally mid-March and mid-October, respectively. Specific dates are confirmed in the FoM – Faculty Affairs monthly newsletters.


Checklist – New Emeriti Recommendations

  1. The Department Head/School Director submits a letter recommending that the individual be awarded emeritus status, as per the criteria outlined in the Senate policy.  This nomination must be accompanied by a copy of the faculty member’s CV.  
  2. The submission is reviewed against the criteria, the Dean writes a letter of support to the Senate Tributes Committee, and the nomination package is forwarded to Senate and Curriculum Services. A copy is kept on file at the Dean’s Office.
  3. If the recommendation is approved by Senate, and the status is confirmed via notification by Senate and Curriculum Services, the following occur:
    1. Faculty Relations requests that Payroll update the faculty member’s appointment in HRMS to an emeritus job code. 
    2. Senate and Curriculum Services updates the Roll of Convocation (UBC Calendar) to include all newly approved emeriti faculty. See: http://www.calendar.ubc.ca/vancouver/
    3. The Registrar sends a letter confirming the new status to the new emeritus faculty member, with cc to Faculty Relations and the Dean of Medicine.  Attached to this letter is a list of Privileges for Professors Emeriti.
    4. The Faculty Affairs Secretary mails a letter of congratulations from the Dean to the individual (cc Department Head / School Director).