Getting Started

As a manager, these are the first steps you will need to follow to hire staff. 

Needs Assessment

Needs assessment is the first step in the hiring process. If a position has become vacant, review the position and job description to determine if it still meets your needs. Update the job description to ensure accuracy before starting the recruitment process.

Managers often want to reward high performing employees with promotions. Promotions are a great way to reward employees, however there also must be a need for higher level work. Promotions are not the only way to reward and retain a great employee. 

Build the job descriptions around the required work and not by the skills and qualifications of the employee you want to promote into the position. 


If you are considering hiring a student, click here for more information.

Hiring Solutions

If you are considering hiring a temporary employee through Hiring Solutions, UBC’s internal temp agency, click here for more information.

Research Staff

If you are considering hiring research staff, click here for more information

Hiring via Workday

An approved job description is required to post a new/vacant position.

The recruitment process consists of 2 user roles: primary recruiter and hiring manager

Primary Recruiter

The primary recruiter completes the following:

  • Submits the job descriptions into the system via ‘Create Position’ or Edit Position Restriction
  • Submits to central compensation for approval
  • Creates the job posting that will appear on the UBC Careers website
  • Prepares the offer letter for the selected candidate
  • Completes the hire process

Hiring Manager

The hiring manager completes the following:

  • Approves the new/updated job description submitted by the primary recruiter
  • Approves the job requisition submited by the primary recruiter
  • Screens and selects applicants for hire
  • Approves the hiring details upon hire

Temporary Positions

There are times when you will not need to post the vacancy. This is generally when the work is shorter term, or a temporary promotion and you have been able to find a candidate without posting.

  • CUPE 2950-positions up to 3 months (Jan 1-Mar 31, not Apr 1) can be filled without posting. Temporary promotions can be for a maximum of 6 months unless it is for a leave replacement in which case it can be for a maximum of 12 months. Employees will not accrue seniority while on a temporary promotion outside of CUPE 2950.
  • M&P-positions up to 1 year less a day can be filled without posting
  • TRA-positions up to 1 year less a day can be filled without posting 

To complete this hire process, the position needs to be updated to indicate that it is a term position with an end date.

You are also able to use Hiring Solutions, UBC’s internal temp agency, to fill temporary positions.

Job Descriptions

Preparing to Write a Job Description

Before writing a job description, identify the type of work and determine which employment group the work will likely belong to. The most common employment groups in the Faculty of Medicine are:

  • CUPE 2950 (clerical, secretarial and library employees)
  • M&P (Management or Professional positions)
  • NUT (research support to faculty and staff)
  • CUPE 2278 (teaching assistants)

A full list of employment groups on campus can be found here.

  • Every position at UBC must be evaluated or classified by employment group (CUPE 2950, M&P etc.) and then further classified by the type of work (administrative, financial etc.) and then by the level (or scope and complexity) of the work.
  • Each employment group has a unique classification structure  

Next, determine the job family and level of the work.

Job Families 


  • M&P jobs are divided into 31 job families.
  • Each M&P job family if further divided into Levels (A-H) known as the Occupational Guidelines for M&P Staff that differentiate the type, scope and complexity of the work performed.
    • These guidelines provide information regarding typical responsibilities, accountability, supervision and minimum qualifications to help identify the position’s level. 
  • Once the position’s level has been established, determine the associated pay based on the M&P salary scales (link).

CUPE 2950

  • CUPE 2950 jobs are divided into 5 families: Library; Administration-General; Administration-Academic/Students; Administration-Clinical and Technical.
  • Each CUPE 2950 family is further divided into Benchmarks, which are groupings of work that are similar in nature.
    •  Each CUPE 2950 benchmark provides information regarding typical duties, supervisory responsibilities, education, experience, decision making and interpersonal skills which determine the position’s level.
  • Once the position’s level has been established, determine the associated pay based on the CUPE 2950 salary scale.  


  • TRA’s jobs are divided into 3 job families
  • Each job family is further divided into levels based on the scope and complexity of the work.
  • Once the level of the position has been established, determine the associated pay based on the NUT salary scales.

Writing a Job Description

  • All positions at UBC require a job description, the hire process cannot be completed without one.
  • All job descriptions at UBC follow a standard job description template.
  • Be sure to track position numbers in order to reference job descriptions, since many positions have the same or similar title.
    • For example, you or your recruiter may be searching for an Admin Support 4 job description. If you search by title you will likely get dozens of possible matches, however, with the position number you will be able to go directly to the job description you are looking for. 
  • You are responsible for writing job descriptions for your team. After completing a job description, forward it to your department recruiter to be entered into Workday and submitted for approval.
  • Central compensation will review the job description. If the correct employment group, job family or level is not selected, the compensation representative will provide suggestions and advice. However, it is not their responsibility to write or re-write the description.

Entering the Job Description

For detailed instructions on how to enter a job description into Workday, refer to the Knowledge Base

Approving a Job Description

Once your position has been submitted in the system, the job description is sent to Central Compensation for approval.

  • All M&P and TRA positions must be approved prior to filling or posting. While the University does not require CUPE 2950 positions to be approved through Central Compensation, FoM best practices states that all positions, including CUPE 2950 should be approved. This avoids problems with misclassified positions which can result in costs to the department. Proper position classification minimizes delay in sending to compensation for approval.
  • Currently, Compensation meets twice per week (Mondays and Thursdays) to review newly submitted descriptions. If your description is appropriately classified, it should be approved and sent back within a few days. Compensation may push the position back to the initiator with comments for correction or adjustment. 

Costing Allocation

The ‘assign costing allocation’ business process is triggered once the position is submitted. This allows the initiator to enter in the default worktag that the position will be paid from. Once the costing allocation has been assigned, the worktag owner will be alerted for approval. This step will populate again when the position is posted and a hire is submitted.