Leadership Development

Faculty Emerging Leaders Program

Program Vision

The Faculty Emerging Leaders Program (FELP) vision is to promote a working and learning culture in the Faculty of Medicine by providing academic and clinical faculty an opportunity to build on current skills that will prepare them for future leadership roles.

Who Should Attend

The FELP is intended for academic and clinical faculty members who are interested in leadership roles, want to enhance their leadership skills, and are seeking opportunities for personal and professional growth.


In order to obtain the utmost benefit and learning from this program, participants are encouraged to actively engage in all the virtual sessions and complete the pre-work assigned.  Participants will be encouraged to identify a mentor who is willing to support the learning and development of leadership skills throughout and after the program. 

Benefits of the FELP

  • Support succession planning, create opportunities for career growth, strengthen leadership capabilities. 
  • Enhance equity, diversity, inclusion and wellbeing through practice of collaborative leadership. 
  • Connect with a diverse cohort of other emerging leaders within the Faculty of Medicine and leverage different perspectives and experiences. 

Please note: The FELP program is currently on pause as we utilize feedback from the previous four cohorts to update the program. We plan to re-launch the program in early 2025. For more information or general inquiries about leadership development, please email the Faculty of Medicine’s Organizational Development team at FoM.OrgDev@ubc.ca.  

Program Details

Module 1 – Discovering Self as Leader

February 16, 2023 – 11:00 am to 1:15 pm

11:00 am to 11:15 am – Welcome to FELP Meet and Greet

11:15 am –  Barrett Values Exercise: Identify core values and understand how to utilize them as you lead and manage.   

Values reflect your deepest aspirations, they inform your perceptions about what is important and they are fundamental determinants of the decisions you make every day.

As a leader, when you understand your own values, you are able to remain aligned and purposeful in your actions, you can use them in service of how you lead others and you can activate them to support the realization of your organizational objectives. 

Richard Barrett, of the Barrett Values Center has been researching and working with values for over 25 years. His model highlights that when we connect with and access our values consciously, they become a source of motivation, strengthening our resolve and grounding us.  

This 2-hour workshop will introduce you to the Barrett Model™, your Personal Values Assessment (PVA) report and what it means to you going forward.  By participating in this session, you will;

  • Activate your personal values in service of work-based decisions and behaviours,
  • Gain a deeper understanding of how your values influence you as a person, and a leader, and
  • Discover areas for future development, both personally and professionally

Optional Online Linkedin Learning:  

Developing Your Emotional Intelligence – 1 hour

Module 2 – Supporting Well-Being Through Leadership

March 16, 2023 – 11:00 am to 1:00 pm

Leading Well in Academic Settings: Supporting Mental Health and Resilience in the Workplace 

Pre-work:  Read Psychological Safe Leader Assessment

Desired outcome:   Learn about, reflect on, and gain an understanding of core concepts and best practices that support mental health and resilience in the workplace (psychologically healthy and safe workplaces; individual and team resilience; and mental health literacy).

Optional Online Linkedin Learning:

Leading with Emotional Intelligence – 1 hour
Cultivating Mental Agility – 36 minutes

Module 3 – Undoing Inequities Through Leadership

April 11, 2023 – 11:00 am to 1:00 pm

Explore how EDI impacts the workplace, team building, and employee needs. Building a welcoming and inclusive working and learning environment.

Desired outcome: Gain a better understanding of what it means to be a leader at this moment in time.  Become aware of barriers to belonging and thriving for underrepresented groups. Build interpersonal skills for supporting individuals and identify leverage points for shifting systems to support individuals from underrepresented groups 

Optional Online Linkedin Learning:

Skills for Inclusive Conversations – 53 minutes

Module 4 – Conflict Engagement

May 11, 2023 – 11:00 am to 1:00 pm

Discover insightful strategies to help invite, hold space for and reframe conflict, while also opening up the potential for new paths of productive action.

Pre-work:  Read UBC Conflict Engagement Intiative

Desired outcome:  Recognize different perspectives of conflict and apply skills for effectively engaging in difficult conversations and positively navigating through conflict.

Optional online:

Module 5 – Navigating the Complexity of Academic Medicine

June 15, 2023 – 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm

Desired outcome:  Make connections and links with Faculty of Medicine leadership and other faculty members.  Opportunity to learn from others and hear the stories from those have moved into leadership roles.

Panel discussion and Q&A

Academic Leadership Development Program

This is a nine-month cohort-based leadership development program for new Department Heads, Associate Deans, Directors and those in related academic leadership roles at UBC.  ALDP is designed to enhance and contribute to the personal fulfillment of new academic leaders at UBC.  

The Academic Leadership Development Program is co-sponsored by the Office of the Provost, Vancouver, in partnership with UBC’s Human Resources.

Maximizing Impact Program

A program to engage early-career researchers/faculty in maximizing the impact of their academic endeavours – particularly during these challenging and uncertain times.

Led by Dr. Naznin Virji-Babul, Senior Advisor to the Provost, Women and Gender-Diverse Faculty, UBC Vancouver, and Associate Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Medicine, this program invites all faculty members, at the level of Assistant Professor, to take part in an eight-month online program. The program will provide networking opportunities, lunch-and-learn sessions with thoughtful and engaging speakers, and 1:1 leadership coaching.